
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/services/app_service/public/cpp/preferred_apps_list.h"

#include <optional>

#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "components/services/app_service/public/cpp/intent_filter.h"
#include "components/services/app_service/public/cpp/intent_filter_util.h"
#include "components/services/app_service/public/cpp/intent_test_util.h"
#include "components/services/app_service/public/cpp/intent_util.h"
#include "components/services/app_service/public/cpp/preferred_app.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace {

const char kAppId1[] =;
const char kAppId2[] =;
const char kAppId3[] =;

}  // namespace

class PreferredAppListTest : public testing::Test {};

// Test that for a single preferred app with URL filter, we can add
// and find (or not find) the correct preferred app id for different
// URLs.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, AddPreferredAppForURL) {}

// Test for preferred app with filter that does not have all condition
// types. E.g. add preferred app with intent filter that only have scheme.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, TopLayerFilters) {}

// Test for multiple preferred app setting with different number of condition
// types.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, MixLayerFilters) {}

// Test that when there are multiple preferred apps for one intent, the best
// matching one will be picked.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, MultiplePreferredApps) {}

// Test that we can properly add and search for filters that has multiple
// condition values for a condition type.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, MultipleConditionValues) {}

// Test for more than one pattern available, we can find the correct match.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, DifferentPatterns) {}

// Test that for same intent filter, the app id will overwrite the old setting.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, OverwritePreferredApp) {}

// Test that when overlap happens, the previous setting will be removed.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, OverlapPreferredApp) {}

// Test that the replaced app preferences is correct.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, ReplacedAppPreference) {}

TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, ReplacedAppPreferencesSameApp) {}

TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, OverlapPreferencesSameApp) {}

TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, AddSameEntry) {}

// Test that for a single preferred app with URL filter, we can delete
// the preferred app id.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, DeletePreferredAppForURL) {}

// Test for preferred app with filter that does not have all condition
// types. E.g. delete preferred app with intent filter that only have scheme.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, DeleteForTopLayerFilters) {}

// Test that we can properly delete for filters that has multiple
// condition values for a condition type.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, DeleteMultipleConditionValues) {}

// Test for more than one pattern available, we can delete the filter.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, DeleteDifferentPatterns) {}

// Test that can delete properly for super set filters. E.g. the filter
// to delete has more condition values compare with filter that was set.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, DeleteForNotCompletedFilter) {}

// Test that when there are more than one entry has overlap filter.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, DeleteOverlapFilters) {}

// Test that DeleteAppId() can delete the setting for one filter.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, DeleteAppIdForOneFilter) {}

// Test that when multiple filters set to the same app id, DeleteAppId() can
// delete all of them.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, DeleteAppIdForMultipleFilters) {}

// Test that for filter with multiple condition values, DeleteAppId() can
// delete them all.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, DeleteAppIdForMultipleConditionValues) {}

// Test that for multiple filters set to different app ids, DeleteAppId() only
// deletes the correct app id.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, DeleteAppIdForMultipleAppIds) {}

TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, DeleteSupportedLinks) {}

// Test that DeleteSupportedLinks removes the entire preference, including
// condition values other than http/https links.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, DeleteSupportedLinksForMultipleConditionValues) {}

TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, ApplyBulkUpdateAdditions) {}

TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, ApplyBulkUpdateDuplicateAdditions) {}

// Test that you can add and remove overlapping filters with a single call to
// ApplyBulkUpdate.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, ApplyBulkUpdateAddAndRemove) {}

// Test that removing a filter using ApplyBulkUpdate only removes filters which
// match exactly, and not anything that overlaps.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, ApplyBulkUpdateRemoveMatchesExactly) {}

// Test that FindPreferredAppsForFilters() returns an empty flat_set if there
// are no matches.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, FindNoPreferredApps) {}

// Tests that FindPreferredAppsForFilters() returns an app id if a match is
// found.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, FindOnePreferredApps) {}

// Tests that FindPreferredAppsForFilters() returns multiple app ids if matches
// are made.
TEST_F(PreferredAppListTest, FindMultiplePreferredApps) {}