// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/session/session_observer.h"
#include "ash/shutdown_reason.h"
#include "ash/wallpaper/wallpaper_constants.h"
#include "ash/wm/lock_state_observer.h"
#include "ash/wm/session_state_animator.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/timer/elapsed_timer.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/power_manager/dbus-constants.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_tree_host_observer.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
namespace ash {
class ShutdownController;
enum class ShutdownReason;
// Displays onscreen animations and locks or suspends the system in response to
// the power button being pressed or released.
// Lock workflow:
// Entry point:
// * StartLockAnimation (bool shutdown after lock) - starts lock that can be
// cancelled.
// Once it completes, PreLockAnimationFinished is called, and system lock is
// requested. Once system locks and lock UI is created, OnLockStateChanged is
// called, and StartPostLockAnimation is called. In PostLockAnimationFinished
// two things happen : EVENT_LOCK_ANIMATION_FINISHED notification is sent (it
// triggers third part of animation within lock UI), and check for continuing to
// shutdown is made.
// Unlock workflow:
// WebUI does first part of animation, and calls OnLockScreenHide(callback) that
// triggers StartUnlockAnimationBeforeUIDestroyed(callback). Once callback is
// called at the end of the animation, lock UI is deleted, system unlocks, and
// OnLockStateChanged is called. It leads to
// StartUnlockAnimationAfterLockUIDestroyed.
class ASH_EXPORT LockStateController : public aura::WindowTreeHostObserver,
public SessionObserver {
// A bitfield mask including NON_LOCK_SCREEN_CONTAINERS and LAUNCHER, used for
// pre-lock hiding animation.
static const int kPreLockContainersMask;
LockStateController(ShutdownController* shutdown_controller,
PrefService* local_state);
LockStateController(const LockStateController&) = delete;
LockStateController& operator=(const LockStateController&) = delete;
~LockStateController() override;
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
void AddObserver(LockStateObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(LockStateObserver* observer);
// Starts locking (with slow pre-lock animation) that can be cancelled.
void StartLockAnimation();
// Starts locking without slow animation.
void LockWithoutAnimation();
// Returns true if we have requested system to lock, but haven't received
// confirmation yet.
bool LockRequested();
// Cancels locking and reverts lock animation.
void CancelLockAnimation();
// Called when ScreenLocker is ready to close, but not yet destroyed.
// Can be used to display "hiding" animations on unlock.
// |callback| will be called when all animations are done.
void OnLockScreenHide(SessionStateAnimator::AnimationCallback callback);
// Sets up the callback that should be called once lock animation is finished.
// Callback is guaranteed to be called once and then discarded.
void SetLockScreenDisplayedCallback(base::OnceClosure callback);
// Displays the shutdown animation and requests a system shutdown or system
// restart depending on the the state of the |RebootOnShutdown| device policy.
void RequestShutdown(ShutdownReason reason);
// The difference between this and `RequestShutdown` is that this one starts
// the shutdown that can be canceled. Note, please use only when necessary and
// together with `MaybeCancelShutdownAnimation`. E.g., requesting through the
// physical power button, while pressing the power button with different
// duration can lead to different shutdown states.
void RequestCancelableShutdown(ShutdownReason reason);
// True if the real non-cancelable shutting down started.
bool ShutdownRequested() const;
// Reverts the shutdown animation and updates the shutdown state to canceled.
// Then the shutdown process will not move forward. Returns true if the
// shutdown is canceled, otherwise false.
bool MaybeCancelShutdownAnimation();
// Requests restart with the same animation as `RequestShutdown` and take the
// informed restore image if forest feature is enabled, restart directly
// otherwise. `description` is a human-readable string describing the source
// of request the restart.
void RequestRestart(power_manager::RequestRestartReason reason,
const std::string& description);
// Requests sign out with the same animation as `RequestShutdown` and take the
// informed restore image if forest feature is enabled, sign out directly
// otherwise.
void RequestSignOut();
// aura::WindowTreeHostObserver override:
void OnHostCloseRequested(aura::WindowTreeHost* host) override;
// SessionObserver overrides:
void OnChromeTerminating() override;
void OnLockStateChanged(bool locked) override;
void set_animator_for_test(SessionStateAnimator* animator) {
bool animating_lock_for_test() const { return animating_lock_; }
friend class LockStateControllerTestApi;
struct UnlockedStateProperties {
bool wallpaper_is_hidden;
// Specifies the requested session state.
enum class RequestedSessionState {
kShutdown = 0,
// Cancels unlock animation.
void CancelUnlockAnimation();
// Reverts the pre-lock animation, reports the error.
void OnLockFailTimeout();
void PreLockAnimation(SessionStateAnimator::AnimationSpeed speed,
bool request_lock_on_completion);
void StartPostLockAnimation();
void OnPostLockFailTimeout();
// This method calls |callback| when animation completes.
void StartUnlockAnimationBeforeLockUIDestroyed(base::OnceClosure callback);
void StartUnlockAnimationAfterLockUIDestroyed();
// These methods are called when corresponding animation completes.
void LockAnimationCancelled(bool aborted);
void PreLockAnimationFinished(bool request_lock, bool aborted);
void PostLockAnimationFinished(bool aborted);
void UnlockAnimationAfterLockUIDestroyedFinished(bool aborted);
// Stores properties of UI that have to be temporarily modified while locking.
void StoreUnlockedProperties();
void RestoreUnlockedProperties();
// Fades in wallpaper layer with |speed| if it was hidden in unlocked state.
void AnimateWallpaperAppearanceIfNecessary(
SessionStateAnimator::AnimationSpeed speed,
SessionStateAnimator::AnimationSequence* animation_sequence);
// Fades out wallpaper layer with |speed| if it was hidden in unlocked state.
void AnimateWallpaperHidingIfNecessary(
SessionStateAnimator::AnimationSpeed speed,
SessionStateAnimator::AnimationSequence* animation_sequence);
// Passed as a callback to the animation sequence that runs as part of
// StartUnlockAnimationBeforeLockUIDestroyed. The callback will be invoked
// after the animations complete, it will then check if the power button was
// pressed at all during the unlock animation, and if so, immediately revert
// the animations and notify ScreenLocker that the unlock process is to be
// aborted.
void OnUnlockAnimationBeforeLockUIDestroyedFinished();
// Notifies observers.
void OnLockStateEvent(LockStateObserver::EventType event);
// Starts timer for undoable shutdown animation.
void StartPreShutdownAnimationTimer();
// Calls `StartSessionStateChangeTimer()` with
// `RequestedSessionState::kCancelableShutdown` when
// `cancelable_shutdown_timer_` expires.
void OnPreShutdownAnimationTimeout();
// Starts timer for final session state change animation. If
// `with_animation_time` is true, it will also include time of "fade to white"
// shutdown animation (NOTE: we are using the same animation for restart and
// signout as well). If `requested_session_state` is shutdown related,
// shutdown sound duration will be included in the duration calculation as
// well.
void StartSessionStateChangeTimer(
bool with_animation_time,
RequestedSessionState requested_session_state);
// Called by `session_state_change_timer_` to start the
// `requested_session_state` change.
void OnSessionStateChangeTimeout(
RequestedSessionState requested_session_state);
// Takes a screenshot for the informed restore dialog first and then starts
// the session state change process. `requested_session_state` indicates the
// requested session state.
void SessionStateChangeWithInformedRestore(
RequestedSessionState requested_session_state);
// Binds to a callback that will be called by the DLP manager to let us know
// whether capturing the screenshot should `proceed` or abort due to some
// restricted contents on the screen. `requested_session_state` indicates the
// requested session state change.
void OnDlpRestrictionCheckedAtScreenCapture(
RequestedSessionState requested_session_state,
const base::FilePath& file_path,
bool proceed);
// Starts the session state change process with the given
// `requested_session_state`.
void StartSessionStateChange(RequestedSessionState requested_session_state);
// Triggers the session state change process when the
// `take_screenshot_fail_timer_` times out. `requested_session_state`
// indicates the requested session state change.
void OnTakeScreenshotFailTimeout(
RequestedSessionState requested_session_state);
// Callback invoked once the image is taken. `requested_session_state`
// indicates the requested session state after the image had been taken.
// `file_path` indicates the path to save the informed restore image. Note:
// `gfx::Image` is cheap to pass by value.
void OnInformedRestoreImageTaken(
RequestedSessionState requested_session_state,
const base::FilePath& file_path,
base::TimeTicks start_time,
gfx::Image informed_restore_image);
// Callback invoked when the informed restore image was encoded and saved.
// `file_path` is the file path to save the informed restore image.
void OnInformedRestoreImageSaved(base::TimeTicks start_time,
const base::FilePath& file_path);
// Called when `session_state_change_timer_` times out with `kRestart`
// requested.
void DoRestart(power_manager::RequestRestartReason reason,
const std::string& description);
std::unique_ptr<SessionStateAnimator> animator_;
// Current lock status.
bool system_is_locked_ = false;
// True if the real non-cancelable shutting down process started.
bool shutting_down_ = false;
// True if the requested cancelable shutdown gets canceled.
bool shutdown_canceled_ = false;
// The reason (e.g. user action) for a pending shutdown.
std::optional<ShutdownReason> shutdown_reason_;
// Callback bound on restart requested and run when
// `session_state_change_timer_` times out.
base::OnceClosure restart_callback_;
// Indicates whether controller should proceed to (cancellable) shutdown after
// locking.
bool shutdown_after_lock_ = false;
// Indicates that controller displays lock animation.
bool animating_lock_ = false;
// Indicates that controller displays unlock animation.
bool animating_unlock_ = false;
// Indicates that the power button has been pressed during the unlock
// animation
bool pb_pressed_during_unlock_ = false;
// Indicates whether post lock animation should be immediate.
bool post_lock_immediate_animation_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<UnlockedStateProperties> unlocked_properties_;
// How long has it been since the request to lock the screen?
std::unique_ptr<base::ElapsedTimer> lock_duration_timer_;
// Controller used to trigger the actual shutdown.
raw_ptr<ShutdownController, DanglingUntriaged> shutdown_controller_;
// Started when we request that the screen be locked. When it fires, we
// assume that our request got dropped.
base::OneShotTimer lock_fail_timer_;
// Started when we call StartPostLockAnimation. When it fires, we assume
// that our request got dropped.
base::OneShotTimer post_lock_fail_timer_;
// Started when a cancelable shutdown requested and the shutdown animation
// triggered. When it fires, the real non-cancelable shutdown will start.
base::OneShotTimer cancelable_shutdown_timer_;
// Started when we display the session state change animation (NOTE, shutdown,
// restart and signout have the same animation). When it fires, we actually
// request the session state change. Gives the animation time to complete
// before Chrome etc are shut down.
base::OneShotTimer session_state_change_timer_;
base::OnceClosure lock_screen_displayed_callback_;
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> start_unlock_callback_;
// A new layer that mirrors the wallpaper layer, which will be added to the
// layer hierarchy and help include the wallpaper into the informed restore
// screenshot.
std::unique_ptr<ui::Layer> mirror_wallpaper_layer_;
// A timer tracks the time duration it takes to take the informed restore
// image. If this timer timeouts before taking the screenshot completes, the
// shutdown process will be triggered immediately without the informed restore
// image. This is done to avoid the shutdown process being blocked too long to
// be noticed by the users.
base::OneShotTimer take_screenshot_fail_timer_;
ScopedSessionObserver scoped_session_observer_;
// The wallpaper blur before entering lock state. Used to restore the
// wallpaper blur after exiting lock state.
float saved_blur_;
base::ObserverList<LockStateObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
// To access the pref kLoginShutdownTimestampPrefName
raw_ptr<PrefService> local_state_;
// If set, it will be called once the operation on the informed restore image
// is completed, either it was deleted or saved to the disk.
base::OnceClosure informed_restore_image_callback_for_test_;
// Disables the `take_screenshot_fail_timer_` for test, which means the timer
// will never start if this is set to true.
bool disable_screenshot_timeout_for_test_ = false;
base::WeakPtrFactory<LockStateController> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash