// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/read_only_shared_memory_region.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "components/services/font_data/public/mojom/font_data_service.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver_set.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkFontMgr.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkTypeface.h"
namespace font_data_service {
// FontDataService (receiver) manages font requests from the renderer.
// Does the following:
// 1) Construct the SkTypeface based on the font request details via
// DWriteFactory.
// 2) Store that SkTypeface as an SkStreamAsset (wrapper of the font data as
// raw bytes) into a shared memory map to be fetched by the renderer.
// 3) Cache the value for future requests.
// Instantiated in the browser process and lives on a sequence running in the
// thread pool.
// This is meant to replace the existing renderer font integration.
// FontDataServiceImpl is the replacement to DWriteFontProxyImpl. This currently
// only runs on Windows desktop browser as part of an experiment: see
// crbug.com/335680565 for more details.
class FontDataServiceImpl : public mojom::FontDataService {
FontDataServiceImpl(const FontDataServiceImpl&) = delete;
FontDataServiceImpl& operator=(const FontDataServiceImpl&) = delete;
~FontDataServiceImpl() override;
void BindReceiver(mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::FontDataService> receiver);
static void ConnectToFontService(
mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::FontDataService> receiver);
size_t GetCacheSizeForTesting() const {
return typeface_to_asset_index_.size();
// FontDataService:
// Provides font data from a cache that is populated on-demand. Font data will
// match based on the `family_name` and `style` inputs. If there is no such
// match, the font data will be null.
void MatchFamilyName(const std::string& family_name,
mojom::TypefaceStylePtr style,
MatchFamilyNameCallback callback) override;
// Checks the shared memory region cache and returns an index if found. On
// cache miss, creates a new entry caching the data.
size_t GetOrCreateAssetIndex(std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset> asset);
mojo::ReceiverSet<mojom::FontDataService> receivers_;
// The default font manager in the browser that creates the SkTypeface. On
// Windows, this would be the DWrite font manager (SkFontMgr_DirectWrite).
sk_sp<SkFontMgr> font_manager_;
// Wrapper that binds the SkStreamAsset and its shared memory
// map region. Used by the `assets_` cache.
struct MappedAsset {
MappedAsset() = delete;
MappedAsset(std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset> asset,
base::MappedReadOnlyRegion shared_memory);
MappedAsset(const MappedAsset&) = delete;
MappedAsset& operator=(const MappedAsset&) = delete;
std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset> asset;
base::MappedReadOnlyRegion shared_memory;
// The primary font cache. Items must not be reordered after insertion.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MappedAsset>> assets_;
// Wrapper that binds the index and a ttc_index. Used for
// typeface-to-asset-index lookup.
struct MappedTypeface {
size_t asset_index;
// Set to index of this Typeface or 0 if the stream is not a collection.
int ttc_index;
// A mapping of a typeface's identifier to the index in the cache (i.e.,
// assets_).
std::map<SkTypefaceID, MappedTypeface> typeface_to_asset_index_;
// A mapping from a font data's base address to its index in the primary font
// cache (i.e., assets_).
std::map<intptr_t, size_t> address_to_asset_index_;
} // namespace font_data_service