// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/wm/window_state.h"
namespace ash {
// The LockWindowState implementation which reduces all possible window
// states to maximized (or normal if can't be maximized)/minimized/full-screen
// and is applied only on lock (login) window container and window containers
// associated with apps handling lock screen tray actions.
// LockWindowState implements Ash behavior without state machine.
class LockWindowState : public WindowState::State {
// The |window|'s state object will be modified to use this new window mode
// state handler.
// |exclude_shelf| - if set, the maximized window size will be
// restricted to work area defined by ash shelf, rather than taking only
// virtual keyboard window into consideration when calculating the window
// size.
LockWindowState(aura::Window* window, bool exclude_shelf);
LockWindowState(const LockWindowState&) = delete;
LockWindowState& operator=(const LockWindowState&) = delete;
~LockWindowState() override;
// WindowState::State:
void OnWMEvent(WindowState* window_state, const WMEvent* event) override;
chromeos::WindowStateType GetType() const override;
void AttachState(WindowState* window_state,
WindowState::State* previous_state) override;
void DetachState(WindowState* window_state) override;
// Creates new LockWindowState instance and attaches it to `window`. See
// constructor comment for more info about the `shelf_excluded` parameter.
static WindowState* SetLockWindowState(aura::Window* window,
bool shelf_excluded);
// Updates the window to |new_state_type| and resulting bounds:
// Either full screen, maximized centered or minimized. If the state does not
// change, only the bounds will be changed.
void UpdateWindow(WindowState* window_state,
chromeos::WindowStateType new_state_type);
// Used in locked screen to get window state type depends on whether the
// window is maximizable.
chromeos::WindowStateType GetWindowTypeOnMaximizable(
WindowState* window_state) const;
// Returns boudns to be used for the provided window.
gfx::Rect GetWindowBounds(aura::Window* window);
// Updates the bounds taking virtual keyboard bounds into consideration.
void UpdateBounds(WindowState* window_state);
// The current state type. Due to the nature of this state, this can only be
chromeos::WindowStateType current_state_type_;
// Restrict window size to the work area defined by the shelf - i.e. window
// bounds exclude system shelf bounds.
bool exclude_shelf_ = false;
} // namespace ash