// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/birch/birch_chip_button.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h"
#include "ui/base/models/image_model.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/button/button.h"
#include "ui/views/layout/box_layout_view.h"
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace views {
class Widget;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class BirchItem;
// The birch chips bar container holds up to four birch chips. It has a
// responsive layout to adjust the chips position according to the number of
// chips present and the available space. The chips will be in a row if they can
// fit in the space. Otherwise, the chips will be in the 2x2 grids. The birch
// bar has a two levels nested box layout view:
// BirchBarView (2x1)
// |
// -----Primary Row (1xn)
// |
// -----Secondary Row (1xn)
// The BirchBarView owns the primary and secondary chips rows, which are both
// horizontal box layout views. The chips will be in the primary row, if they
// fit in the work area. Otherwise, the third and fourth chips will be moved to
// the secondary row.
class ASH_EXPORT BirchBarView : public views::BoxLayoutView {
METADATA_HEADER(BirchBarView, views::BoxLayoutView)
static constexpr int kMaxChipsNum = 4;
enum class State {
kLoading, // The bar is waiting for data on creation.
kLoadingForInformedRestore, // The bar is waiting for data on creation for
// informed restore.
kLoadingByUser, // The bar is waiting for data when enabled by user.
kReloading, // The bar is waiting for data when suggestion types are
// modified.
kShuttingDown, // The bar is shutting down when disabled.
kNormal, // The bar is showing chips.
enum class RelayoutReason {
// Relayout caused by filling in new suggestions after data fetched from
// model.
// Relayout caused by filling in new suggestions when the bar is enabled by
// user.
// Relayout caused by adding or removing chips.
// Relayout caused by available space change.
// Relayout caused by clearing chips when the bar is disabled by user.
// The callback which is called when the birch bar view relayouts due to given
// reason.
using RelayoutCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void(RelayoutReason)>;
explicit BirchBarView(aura::Window* root_window);
BirchBarView(const BirchBarView&) = delete;
BirchBarView& operator=(const BirchBarView&) = delete;
~BirchBarView() override;
// Creates a birch bar widget for given `root_window`.
static std::unique_ptr<views::Widget> CreateBirchBarWidget(
aura::Window* root_window);
// TODO(http://b/361326120): Temporary getter for the chips before the menu
// ownership is defined.
const std::vector<raw_ptr<BirchChipButtonBase>>& chips() const {
return chips_;
void SetState(State state);
// Clears the items cached in the `BirchChipButtons`.
void ShutdownChips();
// Updates the birch bar's available space and relayout the bar according to
// the updated available space. Note that the function must be called before
// getting the view's preferred size.
void UpdateAvailableSpace(int available_space);
// Registers a relayout callback.
void SetRelayoutCallback(RelayoutCallback callback);
// Gets current number of chips.
int GetChipsNum() const;
// Clear existing chips and create new chips with given items.
void SetupChips(const std::vector<raw_ptr<BirchItem>>& items);
// Adds a new chip with given item.
void AddChip(BirchItem* birch_item);
// Removes the chip of `removed_item` and attaches a new chip with
// `attached_item` if it's not null.
void RemoveChip(BirchItem* removed_item, BirchItem* attached_item = nullptr);
// Re-initializes the chip corresponding to the given `item`.
void UpdateChip(BirchItem* item);
// Gets the maximum height of the bar with full chips.
int GetMaximumHeight() const;
// Returns if there are on-going animations.
bool IsAnimating();
friend class OverviewGridTestApi;
// The layouts that the birch bar may use. When current available space can
// hold all present chips, a 1x4 grids layout is used. Otherwise, a 2x2 grids
// layout is used.
enum class LayoutType {
void AttachChip(std::unique_ptr<BirchChipButtonBase> chip);
// Remove all current chips.
void Clear();
// Calculates the chip size according to current shelf position and display
// size.
gfx::Size GetChipSize(aura::Window* root_window) const;
// Gets expected layout types according to the given number of chips and
// current available space.
LayoutType GetExpectedLayoutType(int chip_num) const;
// Rearranges the chips according to current expected layout type.
void Relayout(RelayoutReason reason);
// Called after relayout.
void OnRelayout(RelayoutReason reason);
// Adds loading chips to show loading animations.
void AddLoadingChips();
// Adds reloading chips to show reloading animations.
void AddReloadingChips();
// Performs the fade-in animation of chips.
void FadeInChips();
// Performs fade-out animation on current chips.
void FadeOutChips();
// Called when fade-out animation is aborted.
void OnFadeOutAborted();
// Called after chips fading-in animations are done during setting up.
void OnSetupEnded();
// Called after chips fading-out animations are done during shutting down.
void OnShutdownEnded();
// Called after the removing chip fade-out animation is done.
void OnRemovingChipFadeOutEnded(BirchChipButtonBase* removing_chip);
// Called when remove a chip from the bar with the single row.
void RemoveChipFromOneRowBar(BirchChipButtonBase* removing_chip);
// Called when remove a chip from the bar with two rows.
void RemoveChipFromTwoRowsBar(BirchChipButtonBase* removing_chip);
// Possibly show the privacy nudge about context menu options for
// controlling suggestion types.
void MaybeShowPrivacyNudge();
// Cached chip size.
const gfx::Size chip_size_;
// Cached available space.
int available_space_ = 0;
// Chips rows owned by this.
raw_ptr<BoxLayoutView> primary_row_;
// The secondary row only exists when it holds chips. Otherwise, there will
// always be child spacing between the rows.
raw_ptr<BoxLayoutView> secondary_row_ = nullptr;
State state_ = State::kNormal;
// The chips are owned by either primary or secondary row.
std::vector<raw_ptr<BirchChipButtonBase>> chips_;
// The chip which is waiting to be attached.
std::unique_ptr<BirchChipButtonBase> chip_to_attach_;
// Called after relayout.
RelayoutCallback relayout_callback_;
// Called after chips fade-out animation.
base::OnceClosure shutdown_callback_;
} // namespace ash