
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto3";

option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.sharing_message.proto";

import "click_to_call_message.proto";
import "optimization_guide_push_notification.proto";
import "peer_connection_messages.proto";
import "remote_copy_message.proto";
import "shared_clipboard_message.proto";
import "sms_fetch_message_test_proto3_optional.proto";

package components_sharing_message;

// Required in Chrome.
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

// Message for sending between devices in Sharing.
// Next tag: 17
message SharingMessage {
  // Identifier of sender. required unless any of the following is true:
  // 1. payload is a AckMessage
  // 2. ack_channel_configuration is a ServerChannelConfiguration
  string sender_guid = 1;

  // Payload of the message, contains one of the messages below. required.
  oneof payload {
    PingMessage ping_message = 2;
    AckMessage ack_message = 3;
    ClickToCallMessage click_to_call_message = 4;
    SharedClipboardMessage shared_clipboard_message = 5;
    SmsFetchRequest sms_fetch_request = 8;
    RemoteCopyMessage remote_copy_message = 9;
    PeerConnectionOfferMessage peer_connection_offer_message = 10;
    PeerConnectionIceCandidatesMessage peer_connection_ice_candidates_message =
    DiscoveryRequest discovery_request = 13;
    WebRtcSignalingMessage web_rtc_signaling_frame = 14;
    OptimizationGuidePushNotification optimization_guide_push_notification = 16;

  oneof ack_channel_configuration {
    // FCM channel configuration. Ack message will be delivered as a FCM
    // message. optional.
    FCMChannelConfiguration fcm_channel_configuration = 6;

    // Server channel configuration. Ack message will be delivered through
    // server channel. optional.
    ServerChannelConfiguration server_channel_configuration = 12;

  // The name of the device sending this message. optional.
  string sender_device_name = 7;

  // Identifier of the message.
  // required for message sent via Sync.
  // optional for message sent via VAPID.
  string message_id = 15;

// Message for pinging the receiver expecting an acknowledgement.
message PingMessage {
  // Intentionally empty.

// Message for acknowledging the sender after a non-AckMessage is received.
// Next tag: 4
message AckMessage {
  reserved 2;

  // required.
  string original_message_id = 1;

  // Response of the message, optional.
  ResponseMessage response_message = 3;

// Message for responding to a SharingMessage.
message ResponseMessage {
  // Payload of the response, contains one of the messages below. required.
  oneof payload {
    SmsFetchResponse sms_fetch_response = 1;
    PeerConnectionAnswerMessage peer_connection_answer_message_response = 2;
    DiscoveryResponse discovery_response = 3;

// FCM channel configuration. Message will be delivered as a FCM message.
message FCMChannelConfiguration {
  // FCM registration token of device subscribed using VAPID key. required.
  string vapid_fcm_token = 1;

  // Subscription public key required for RFC 8291 using VAPID key.
  bytes vapid_p256dh = 2;

  // Auth secret key required for RFC 8291 using VAPID key.
  bytes vapid_auth_secret = 3;

  // FCM registration token of device subscribed using sender ID. required.
  string sender_id_fcm_token = 4;

  // Subscription public key required for RFC 8291 using sender ID.
  bytes sender_id_p256dh = 5;

  // Auth secret key required for RFC 8291 using sender ID.
  bytes sender_id_auth_secret = 6;

// Server channel configuration. Message will be delivered through server
// channel.
message ServerChannelConfiguration {
  reserved 1, 2;

  // Opaque server channel configuration. required.
  bytes configuration = 3;

  // Subscription public key required for RFC 8291 using VAPID key. required.
  bytes p256dh = 4;

  // Auth secret key required for RFC 8291 using VAPID key. required.
  bytes auth_secret = 5;

// Request for Sharing Discovery.
message DiscoveryRequest {
  // required
  string service_id = 1;

// Response for Sharing Discovery.
message DiscoveryResponse {
  // required
  string service_id = 1;

  // required
  string endpoint_id = 2;

  // required
  bytes endpoint_info = 3;

// Request for WebRTC signalling for Discovery.
message WebRtcSignalingMessage {
  // required
  bytes web_rtc_signaling_frame = 1;

// Message for sending data between devices using webRTC.
message WebRtcMessage {
  // Randomly generated guid. Required for messages other than AckMessage.
  string message_guid = 1;

  // The actual SharingMessage to be sent across the two remote devices.
  // Required.
  SharingMessage message = 2;