
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/backoff_entry.h"

// App ID linked to FCM messages for Sharing.
extern const char kSharingFCMAppID[];

// Sender ID for Sharing.
extern const char kSharingSenderID[];

// Time until we hide devices based on their last active timestamp.
extern const base::TimeDelta kSharingDeviceExpiration;

// Default time-to-live for sharing messages.
extern const base::TimeDelta kSharingMessageTTL;

// Default time-to-live for sharing ack messages.
extern const base::TimeDelta kSharingAckMessageTTL;

// Backoff policy for registration retry.
extern const net::BackoffEntry::Policy kRetryBackoffPolicy;

// Maximum number of devices to be shown in dialog and context menu.
extern const int kMaxDevicesShown;

// Command id for first device shown in submenu.
extern const int kSubMenuFirstDeviceCommandId;

// Command id for last device shown in submenu.
extern const int kSubMenuLastDeviceCommandId;

// The feature name prefix used in metrics name.
enum class SharingFeatureName {};

// The device platform that the user is sharing from/with.
enum class SharingDevicePlatform {};

enum class SharingChannelType {};