// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/delayed_animation_observer.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/overview_delegate.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/overview_metrics.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/overview_observer.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/overview_session_metrics_recorder.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/overview_types.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/overview_window_occlusion_calculator.h"
#include "ash/wm/raster_scale/raster_scale_controller.h"
#include "base/cancelable_callback.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_occlusion_tracker.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
#include "ui/wm/public/activation_change_observer.h"
namespace ash {
class OverviewSession;
// Manages a overview session which displays an overview of all windows and
// allows selecting a window to activate it.
class ASH_EXPORT OverviewController : public OverviewDelegate,
public wm::ActivationChangeObserver {
// `ScopedOcclusionPauser` pauses occlusion tracking for overview mode
// purposes until it is destroyed. When it is destroyed, occlusion tracking
// will be unpaused after the given unpause delay. If a
// `ScopedOcclusionPauser`s is destroyed while an unpause delay is in
// progress, that delay will be cancelled and the new delay will be used. This
// means that if two `ScopedOcclusionPauser`s are destroyed, the delay for the
// second `ScopedOcclusionPauser` to be destroyed will be used, even if the
// first delay is much longer.
class ScopedOcclusionPauser {
ScopedOcclusionPauser& operator=(ScopedOcclusionPauser&&);
ScopedOcclusionPauser(const ScopedOcclusionPauser&) = delete;
ScopedOcclusionPauser& operator=(const ScopedOcclusionPauser&) = delete;
friend class OverviewController;
ScopedOcclusionPauser(base::WeakPtr<OverviewController> controller,
base::TimeDelta unpause_delay);
base::WeakPtr<OverviewController> controller_;
base::TimeDelta unpause_delay_;
OverviewController(const OverviewController&) = delete;
OverviewController& operator=(const OverviewController&) = delete;
~OverviewController() override;
[[nodiscard]] ScopedOcclusionPauser PauseOcclusionTracker(
base::TimeDelta unpause_delay);
// Convenience function to get the overview controller instance, which is
// created and owned by Shell.
static OverviewController* Get();
OverviewSession* overview_session() { return overview_session_.get(); }
bool disable_app_id_check_for_saved_desks() const {
return disable_app_id_check_for_saved_desks_;
bool is_continuous_scroll_in_progress() const {
return is_continuous_scroll_in_progress_;
bool windows_have_snapshot() const { return windows_have_snapshot_; }
// Starts/Ends overview with `type`. Returns true if enter or exit overview
// successful. Depending on `type` the enter/exit animation will look
// different. `start_action`/`end_action` is used by UMA to record the reasons
// that trigger overview starts or ends. E.g, pressing the overview button.
bool StartOverview(
OverviewStartAction start_action,
OverviewEnterExitType type = OverviewEnterExitType::kNormal);
bool EndOverview(OverviewEndAction end_action,
OverviewEnterExitType type = OverviewEnterExitType::kNormal);
// Returns true if it's possible to enter overview mode in the current
// configuration. This can be false at certain times, such as when the lock
// screen is visible we can't enter overview mode.
bool CanEnterOverview() const;
// Returns true if overview mode is active.
bool InOverviewSession() const;
// Receives a continuous scroll event from the gesture handler and either
// initializes overview mode in preparation for future continuous scrolls, or
// immediately calls `OverviewGrid::PositionWindowsForContinuousScrolls()` if
// overview mode has already been initialized.
bool HandleContinuousScroll(float y_offset, OverviewEnterExitType type);
// Moves the current selection forward or backward.
void IncrementSelection(bool forward);
// Accepts current selection if any. Returns true if a selection was made,
// false otherwise.
bool AcceptSelection();
// Returns true if we're in start-overview animation.
bool IsInStartAnimation();
// Returns true if overview has been shutdown, but is still animating to the
// end state ui.
bool IsCompletingShutdownAnimations() const;
void AddObserver(OverviewObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(OverviewObserver* observer);
// Post a task to update the shadow and rounded corners of overview windows.
void DelayedUpdateRoundedCornersAndShadow();
// OverviewDelegate:
void AddExitAnimationObserver(
std::unique_ptr<DelayedAnimationObserver> animation) override;
void RemoveAndDestroyExitAnimationObserver(
DelayedAnimationObserver* animation) override;
void AddEnterAnimationObserver(
std::unique_ptr<DelayedAnimationObserver> animation_observer) override;
void RemoveAndDestroyEnterAnimationObserver(
DelayedAnimationObserver* animation_observer) override;
// ::wm::ActivationChangeObserver:
void OnWindowActivating(ActivationReason reason,
aura::Window* gained_active,
aura::Window* lost_active) override;
void OnWindowActivated(ActivationReason reason,
aura::Window* gained_active,
aura::Window* lost_active) override {}
base::AutoReset<bool> SetDisableAppIdCheckForTests();
void set_occlusion_pause_duration_for_start_for_test(
base::TimeDelta duration) {
occlusion_pause_duration_for_start_ = duration;
void set_occlusion_pause_duration_for_end_for_test(base::TimeDelta duration) {
occlusion_pause_duration_for_end_ = duration;
void set_delayed_animation_task_delay_for_test(base::TimeDelta delta) {
delayed_animation_task_delay_ = delta;
void set_windows_have_snapshot_for_test(bool windows_have_snapshot) {
windows_have_snapshot_ = windows_have_snapshot;
// Toggle overview mode. Depending on |type| the enter/exit animation will
// look different.
void ToggleOverview(
OverviewEnterExitType type = OverviewEnterExitType::kNormal);
// Returns true if it's possible to exit overview mode in the current
// configuration. This can be false at certain times, such as when the divider
// or desks are animating.
bool CanEndOverview(OverviewEnterExitType type) const;
void OnStartingAnimationComplete(bool canceled);
void OnEndingAnimationComplete(bool canceled);
void UpdateRoundedCornersAndShadow();
// Pause or unpause the occlusion tracker. Resets the unpause delay if we were
// already in the process of unpausing.
void MaybePauseOcclusionTracker();
void MaybeUnpauseOcclusionTracker(base::TimeDelta delay);
void ResetPauser();
// Collection of DelayedAnimationObserver objects that own widgets that may be
// still animating after overview mode ends. If shell needs to shut down while
// those animations are in progress, the animations are shut down and the
// widgets destroyed.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DelayedAnimationObserver>> delayed_animations_;
// Collection of DelayedAnimationObserver objects. When this becomes empty,
// notify shell that the starting animations have been completed.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DelayedAnimationObserver>> start_animations_;
// Indicates that overview shall gain focus when the starting animations have
// completed.
bool should_focus_overview_ = false;
// Used when feature ContinuousOverviewScrollAnimation is enabled to
// determine the start/end positions of overview items as well as their shadow
// bounds and corner radii during a continuous scroll. It's true only if the
// last scroll event was the start of a continuous scroll or a continuous
// scroll update that is within the threshold.
bool is_continuous_scroll_in_progress_ = false;
// We may pause occlusion tracking on enter and exit overview mode.
std::optional<ScopedOcclusionPauser> enter_pauser_;
std::optional<ScopedOcclusionPauser> exit_pauser_;
// The following state tracks occlusion pausing and its delayed unpausing for
// overview mode.
int pause_count_ = 0;
base::CancelableOnceClosure reset_pauser_task_;
// In order to guarantee relative ordering between occlusion updates and
// raster scale updates, we need to pause raster scale updates sometimes.
std::optional<ScopedPauseRasterScaleUpdates> raster_scale_pauser_;
std::unique_ptr<OverviewSession> overview_session_;
base::Time last_overview_session_time_;
base::TimeDelta occlusion_pause_duration_for_start_;
base::TimeDelta occlusion_pause_duration_for_end_;
// App dragging enters overview right away. This task is used to delay the
// |OnStartingAnimationComplete| call so that some animations do not make the
// initial setup less performant.
base::TimeDelta delayed_animation_task_delay_;
base::ObserverList<OverviewObserver> observers_;
std::unique_ptr<views::Widget::PaintAsActiveLock> paint_as_active_lock_;
// In ash unittests, the `FullRestoreSaveHandler` isn't hooked up so
// initialized windows lack an app id. If a window doesn't have a valid app
// id, then it won't be tracked by `OverviewGrid` as a supported window and
// those windows will be deemed unsupported for Saved Desks. If
// `disable_app_id_check_for_saved_desks_` is true, then this check is
// omitted so we can test Saved Desks.
bool disable_app_id_check_for_saved_desks_ = false;
// True if windows shown in overview mode will have a snapshot available.
// If a snapshot is available then we can pause occlusion tracking until
// overview mode as finished its enter animation. Otherwise, we must mark
// all windows as visible immediately.
bool windows_have_snapshot_ = false;
std::optional<OverviewSessionMetricsRecorder> session_metrics_recorder_;
OverviewWindowOcclusionCalculator overview_window_occlusion_calculator_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<OverviewController> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash