
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace prefs {

extern const char kSodaBinaryPath[];
extern const char kSodaScheduledDeletionTime[];

extern const char kSodaEnUsConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaJaJpConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaDeDeConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaEsEsConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaFrFrConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaItItConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaHiInConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaPtBrConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaIdIdConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaKoKrConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaPlPlConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaRuRuConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaThThConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaTrTrConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaViVnConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaZhCnConfigPath[];
extern const char kSodaZhTwConfigPath[];

extern const char kSodaRegisteredLanguagePacks[];
}  // namespace prefs