
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>

#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>

#include "components/spellcheck/common/spellcheck_result.h"

namespace base {
class FilePath;

namespace spellcheck {

// Short type for holding word replacements per individual language.

// Max number of dictionary suggestions.
static const int kMaxSuggestions =;

// Maximum number of words in the custom spellcheck dictionary that can be
// synced.
static const size_t kMaxSyncableDictionaryWords =;

// Maximum number of bytes in a word that can be added to the custom spellcheck
// dictionary. When changing this value, also change the corresponding value in
// chrome/browser/resources/settings/languages_page/edit_dictionary_page.js
static const size_t kMaxCustomDictionaryWordBytes =;

base::FilePath GetVersionedFileName(std::string_view input_language,
                                    const base::FilePath& dict_dir);

// Returns the spellcheck language that should be used for |language|. For
// example, converts "hu-HU" into "hu", because we have only one variant of
// Hungarian. Converts "en-US" into "en-US", because we have several variants of
// English dictionaries.
// Returns an empty string if no spellcheck language found. For example, there's
// no single dictionary for English, so this function returns an empty string
// for "en".
std::string GetCorrespondingSpellCheckLanguage(std::string_view language);

// Get SpellChecker supported languages.
std::vector<std::string> SpellCheckLanguages();

// Gets the ISO codes for the language and country of this |locale|. The
// |locale| is an ISO locale ID that may not include a country ID, e.g., "fr" or
// "de". This method converts the UI locale to a full locale ID and converts the
// full locale ID to an ISO language code and an ISO3 country code.
void GetISOLanguageCountryCodeFromLocale(const std::string& locale,
                                         std::string* language_code,
                                         std::string* country_code);

// Evenly fill |optional_suggestions| with a maximum of |kMaxSuggestions|
// suggestions from |suggestions_list|. suggestions_list[i][j] is the j-th
// suggestion from the i-th language's suggestions. |optional_suggestions|
// cannot be null.
void FillSuggestions(
    const std::vector<std::vector<std::u16string>>& suggestions_list,
    std::vector<std::u16string>* optional_suggestions);

}  // namespace spellcheck