
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


declare_args() {
  # Android package name to use when compiling the system_webview_apk and
  # trichrome_webview_apk targets. This should be used if the Android build
  # on which you are going to install WebView is configured to load a
  # different package name than the default used in AOSP.
  system_webview_package_name = ""

template("system_webview_apk_or_module_tmpl") {
  _is_trichrome = defined(invoker.is_trichrome) && invoker.is_trichrome
  assert(_is_trichrome == defined(invoker.static_library_provider),
         "If trichrome library is used, static_library_provider must be set " +
             "so that a dep can be added on the library APK.")

  _include_32_bit_webview =
      !defined(invoker.include_32_bit_webview) || invoker.include_32_bit_webview
  _include_64_bit_webview =
      android_64bit_target_cpu && (!defined(invoker.include_64_bit_webview) ||
  if (_is_trichrome) {
    _is_64_bit_browser = android_64bit_target_cpu && invoker.is_64_bit_browser
    _version_code = TRICHROME_VERSION_MAP["${android_64bit_target_cpu}_${_is_64_bit_browser}_${_include_64_bit_webview}_${_include_32_bit_webview}"]

    # Allow a custom version_code, but always use the default _trichrome_library_version_code
    _trichrome_library_version_code = _version_code
  } else {
    _version_code = WEBVIEW_VERSION_MAP["${android_64bit_target_cpu}_${_include_64_bit_webview}_${_include_32_bit_webview}"]

  if (defined(invoker.version_code)) {
    _version_code = invoker.version_code

  # Need to apply override explicitly to have it apply to library version.
  if (android_override_version_code != "") {
    _version_code = android_override_version_code
    if (_is_trichrome) {
      _trichrome_library_version_code = android_override_version_code

  if (defined(invoker.manifest_package)) {
    _manifest_package = invoker.manifest_package
  } else {
    _manifest_package = system_webview_package_name
  _android_manifest = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name/AndroidManifest.xml"
  _android_manifest_target_name = "${target_name}__android_manifest"
  jinja_template(_android_manifest_target_name) {
    input = "//android_webview/nonembedded/java/AndroidManifest.xml"
    output = _android_manifest
    _force_32_bit = _include_32_bit_webview && _include_64_bit_webview &&
                    (!_is_trichrome || !_is_64_bit_browser)
    variables = [
    if (_is_trichrome) {
      variables += trichrome_jinja_variables +
                   [ "trichrome_version=$_trichrome_library_version_code" ]
      if (_is_64_bit_browser) {
        variables += [ "" ]
      } else {
        variables += [ "" ]
    includes = []
    if (defined(invoker.jinja_input)) {
      includes += [ input ]
      input = invoker.jinja_input
    if (defined(invoker.jinja_extra_variables)) {
      variables += invoker.jinja_extra_variables
    if (defined(invoker.jinja_extra_includes)) {
      includes += invoker.jinja_extra_includes
  if (defined(invoker.target_type)) {
    _target_type = invoker.target_type
  } else {
    _target_type = "android_apk"
  target(_target_type, target_name) {
    forward_variables_from(invoker, TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY)

    # Do not forward variables used only by this template so that code below
    # needs to use "invoker" to make it clear where variables are coming from.
                           TESTONLY_AND_VISIBILITY + [

    _is_bundle_module = _target_type == "android_app_bundle_module"
    _omit_dex = defined(invoker.omit_dex) && invoker.omit_dex

    if (!defined(min_sdk_version) && _is_trichrome) {
      min_sdk_version = 29
    if (defined(expected_android_manifest)) {
      if (android_64bit_target_cpu) {
        _version_code_offset = chrome_32_version_code
      } else {
        _version_code_offset = chrome_version_code
      expected_android_manifest_version_code_offset = _version_code_offset
      expected_android_manifest_library_version_offset = _version_code_offset

    android_manifest = _android_manifest
    android_manifest_dep = ":$_android_manifest_target_name"
    manifest_package = _manifest_package
    deps += [

    # Only the .build_config.json is used from this target, and it's fine if
    # it contains more assets than we need (always use the 64_32 variant).
    suffix_apk_assets_used_by = system_webview_apk_target

    deps += [ "//android_webview:android_webview_no_weblayer_java" ]

    if (!_omit_dex) {
      product_config_java_packages =
          [ invoker.webview_product_config_java_package ]

    if (!defined(alternative_android_sdk_dep)) {
      alternative_android_sdk_dep = invoker.webview_framework_dep

    # We can't include an icon for anything with the Stable channel package name
    # because it confuses work profiles. We check
    # use_stable_package_name_for_trichrome here instead of where
    # webview_devui_show_icon is assigned to avoid a circular dependency
    # between //android_webview/variables.gni and
    # //chrome/android/trichrome.gni.
    if (invoker.webview_devui_show_icon &&
        !invoker.use_stable_package_name_for_trichrome) {
      deps += [ "//android_webview/nonembedded:devui_launcher_icon_resources" ]

    # Flag whether additional deps and libs should be included for each ABI.
    _include_primary_support = false
    _include_secondary_support = false

    if (!_is_trichrome) {
      shared_resources = true

      if ((!android_64bit_target_cpu && _include_32_bit_webview) ||
          (android_64bit_target_cpu && _include_64_bit_webview)) {
        shared_libraries = [ "//android_webview:libwebviewchromium" ]
        _include_primary_support = true
      if (android_64bit_target_cpu && _include_32_bit_webview) {
        secondary_abi_shared_libraries = [ "//android_webview:libwebviewchromium($android_secondary_abi_toolchain)" ]
        _include_secondary_support = true
      deps += [ "//third_party/icu:icu_assets" ]
    } else {
      app_as_shared_lib = true

      # Include placeholder libraries to ensure we are treated as the desired
      # architecture.
      if (android_64bit_target_cpu) {
        if (_is_64_bit_browser) {
          native_lib_placeholders = [ "" ]
          if (_include_32_bit_webview) {
            secondary_abi_shared_libraries = [ "//android_webview:monochrome_64($android_secondary_abi_toolchain)" ]
            _include_secondary_support = true
        } else {
          if (_include_64_bit_webview) {
            shared_libraries = [ "//android_webview:monochrome" ]
            _include_primary_support = true
          secondary_native_lib_placeholders = [ "" ]
          static_library_provider_use_secondary_abi = true
      } else {
        native_lib_placeholders = [ "" ]
    if (defined(shared_libraries)) {
      _jni_registrations = shared_libraries
    } else if (defined(secondary_abi_shared_libraries)) {
      _jni_registrations = secondary_abi_shared_libraries
    } else if (_is_trichrome) {
      # Here, the only native library present in trichrome is the one shared
      # between Chrome and WebView, so we depend on it instead.
      if (android_64bit_target_cpu) {
        _jni_registrations = [ "//chrome/android:libmonochrome_64" ]
      } else {
        _jni_registrations = [ "//chrome/android:libmonochrome" ]
    if (defined(_jni_registrations)) {
      srcjar_deps = []
      foreach(_lib, _jni_registrations) {
        _label =
            get_label_info(_lib, "label_no_toolchain") + "__jni_registration"
        srcjar_deps += [ "$_label($default_toolchain)" ]

    if (_include_primary_support) {
      deps += [
      loadable_modules = [ "$root_out_dir/" ]
    if (_include_secondary_support) {
      _trampoline = "//third_party/crashpad/crashpad/handler:crashpad_handler_trampoline($android_secondary_abi_toolchain)"
      deps += [
      _secondary_out_dir = get_label_info(_trampoline, "root_out_dir")
      secondary_abi_loadable_modules =
          [ "$_secondary_out_dir/" ]

    aapt_locale_allowlist = platform_pak_locales

    resource_exclusion_regex = common_resource_exclusion_regex
    resource_exclusion_exceptions = common_resource_exclusion_exceptions

    # We only optimize resources for bundles since APKs are not shipped.
    # Resources only live in the base module atm as such we only need to set
    # these on the base module
    if (_is_bundle_module) {
      # Removes metadata needed for Resources.getIdentifier("resource_name").
      strip_resource_names = !is_java_debug

      # Shortens resource file names in apk eg: res/drawable/button.xml -> res/a.xml
      short_resource_paths = !is_java_debug

      # Removes unused resources from the apk. Only enabled on official builds
      # since it adds a slow step and serializes the build graph causing fewer
      # expensive tasks (eg: proguarding, resource optimization) to be run in
      # parallel by adding dependencies between them (adds around 10-20
      # seconds on my machine).
      strip_unused_resources = is_official_build

      # An aapt2 config file to exempt some webview resources from resource
      # optimizations.
      resources_config_paths = [ "//android_webview/aapt2.config" ]

    if (!_is_bundle_module) {
      # Used as an additional apk in test scripts.
      never_incremental = true
      command_line_flags_file = "webview-command-line"

    if (!is_java_debug && !_omit_dex) {
      proguard_enabled = true
      if (!_is_bundle_module) {
        repackage_classes = "WV"
      if (!defined(proguard_configs)) {
        proguard_configs = []

      proguard_configs +=
          [ "//android_webview/nonembedded/java/proguard.flags" ]
      png_to_webp = true

    if (enable_silent_java_assert_reporting && !_omit_dex) {
      custom_assertion_handler = crash_reporting_assertion_handler

    version_name = chrome_version_name
    version_code = _version_code