
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/wm/window_transient_descendant_iterator.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_multi_source_observation.h"
#include "ui/aura/window_observer.h"

namespace aura {
class Window;
}  // namespace aura

namespace gfx {
class RRectF;
class RoundedCornersF;
class Transform;
}  // namespace gfx

namespace ui {
class Layer;
}  // namespace ui

namespace ash {

class ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizerBase {
  ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizerBase(ui::Layer* root_layer, bool restore_tree);

  ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizerBase(const ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizerBase&) =
  ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizerBase& operator=(
      const ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizerBase&) = delete;

  virtual ~ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizerBase();

  // Restores the tree to its original state if `restore_tree_` is true.
  virtual void Restore() = 0;

  // Resets the cache tracking the original information about the layers
  // that are updated during `SynchronizeLayerTreeRoundedCorners()`.
  void ResetCachedLayerInfo();

  ui::Layer* root_layer() { return root_layer_; }

  // Traverses through layer subtree rooted at `layer`, adjusting(synchronizing)
  // the radius of corners of the `layer` to match the radius with
  // `reference_bounds` if any corner is drawn outside the curvature of the
  // `reference_bounds`.
  // The curvature of `layer` is also taken into account if `consider_curvature`
  // is true.
  // Returns true if any of the layers of the layer tree were altered.
  // Note: `reference_bounds` are in target space of `root_layer_`;
  bool SynchronizeLayerTreeRoundedCorners(ui::Layer* layer,
                                          bool consider_curvature,
                                          const gfx::RRectF& reference_bounds);

  // Traverses through the layer subtree rooted at `layer`. Restores the radii
  // of layer if it was updated by in `SynchronizeLayerTreeRoundedCorners()`.
  void RestoreLayerTree(ui::Layer* layer);

  // `transform` is the relative target transform of layer to the `root_layer`.
  bool SynchronizeLayerTreeRoundedCornersImpl(
      ui::Layer* layer,
      bool consider_curvature,
      const gfx::RRectF& reference_bounds,
      const gfx::Transform& transform);

  void RestoreLayerTreeImpl(ui::Layer* layer);

  // Any subtree that may be altered is rooted at `root_layer_`. All the
  // calculation done in the target space of `root_layer_`.
  raw_ptr<ui::Layer> root_layer_;

  // If true, the layer tree is restored to its old state.
  const bool restore_tree_;

  // Keeps track of the original information of layers.
      const ui::Layer*,
      std::pair<gfx::RoundedCornersF, /*is_fast_rounded_corner=*/bool>>

// Synchronizes the layer tree to specified rounded corner bounds.
class ASH_EXPORT ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizer
    : public ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizerBase {
  ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizer(ui::Layer* root_layer, bool restore_tree);

  ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizer(const ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizer&) = delete;
  ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizer& operator=(const ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizer&) =

  ~ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizer() override;

  // Synchronizes the rounded corners of the subtree layers that are rooted at
  // `layer`. (layer must be a child layer of `root_layer`). See
  // `ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizerBase::SynchronizeLayerTreeRoundedCorners()`
  // for more details.
  // Note: The current implementation assumes that the subtree is contained
  // within the layer's bounds and the bounds are in the `root_layer`'s target
  // space.
  void SynchronizeRoundedCorners(ui::Layer* layer,
                                 const gfx::RRectF& reference_bounds);

  // ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizerBase:
  void Restore() override;

// Synchronizes the layer trees of a window and its transient hierarchy to given
// rounded corner bounds.
class ASH_EXPORT ScopedWindowTreeSynchronizer
    : public ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizerBase,
      public aura::WindowObserver {
  ScopedWindowTreeSynchronizer(aura::Window* root_window, bool restore_tree);

  ScopedWindowTreeSynchronizer(const ScopedWindowTreeSynchronizer&) = delete;
  ScopedWindowTreeSynchronizer& operator=(const ScopedWindowTreeSynchronizer&) =

  ~ScopedWindowTreeSynchronizer() override;

  // Synchronizes the rounded corners of layer tree for `window` and the layer
  // trees of windows is the transient hierarchy of `window`. (window must be
  //  a child of `root_window`)
  // For each window's layer tree, the synchronization is performed as described
  // in `ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizerBase::SynchronizeLayerTreeRoundedCorners()`.
  void SynchronizeRoundedCorners(aura::Window* window,
                                 bool consider_curvature,
                                 const gfx::RRectF& reference_bounds,
                                 TransientTreeIgnorePredicate ignore_predicate);

  // ScopedLayerTreeSynchronizerBase:
  void Restore() override;

  // WindowObserver:
  void OnWindowDestroying(aura::Window* window) override;

  // Observe the windows whose layer trees have been updated.
  base::ScopedMultiSourceObservation<aura::Window, aura::WindowObserver>

}  // namespace ash