// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/wm/snap_group/snap_group_controller.h"
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/root_window_controller.h"
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "ash/wm/desks/desks_util.h"
#include "ash/wm/mru_window_tracker.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/overview_controller.h"
#include "ash/wm/overview/overview_utils.h"
#include "ash/wm/snap_group/snap_group.h"
#include "ash/wm/snap_group/snap_group_constants.h"
#include "ash/wm/snap_group/snap_group_metrics.h"
#include "ash/wm/snap_group/snap_group_observer.h"
#include "ash/wm/splitview/layout_divider_controller.h"
#include "ash/wm/splitview/split_view_constants.h"
#include "ash/wm/splitview/split_view_controller.h"
#include "ash/wm/splitview/split_view_utils.h"
#include "ash/wm/tablet_mode/tablet_mode_controller.h"
#include "ash/wm/window_state.h"
#include "ash/wm/window_util.h"
#include "ash/wm/wm_metrics.h"
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/containers/unique_ptr_adapters.h"
#include "base/metrics/user_metrics.h"
#include "base/numerics/ranges.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chromeos/ui/base/window_state_type.h"
#include "ui/display/screen.h"
#include "ui/display/tablet_state.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
SnapGroupController* g_instance = nullptr;
// Returns true if both of the windows in `snap_group` are visible.
// TODO(b/333772909): Precautionary check for group minimize. See if we still
// need this after group minimize is removed.
bool AreSnapGroupWindowsVisible(const SnapGroup* snap_group) {
return snap_group->window1()->IsVisible() &&
} // namespace
SnapGroupController::SnapGroupController() {
CHECK_EQ(g_instance, nullptr);
g_instance = this;
SnapGroupController::~SnapGroupController() {
CHECK_EQ(g_instance, this);
g_instance = nullptr;
// static
SnapGroupController* SnapGroupController::Get() {
// TODO(michelefan): Add CHECK(g_instance) after the snap group controller
// feature is enabled by default.
return g_instance;
bool SnapGroupController::AreWindowsInSnapGroup(aura::Window* window1,
aura::Window* window2) const {
return window1 == RetrieveTheOtherWindowInSnapGroup(window2) &&
window2 == RetrieveTheOtherWindowInSnapGroup(window1);
bool SnapGroupController::OnWindowSnapped(
aura::Window* window,
WindowSnapActionSource snap_action_source) {
// Only consider valid snap action sources or the window is being
// auto-snapped or transitioned from tablet mode.
const bool can_group_or_replace =
CanSnapActionSourceStartFasterSplitView(snap_action_source) ||
snap_action_source ==
WindowSnapActionSource::kSnapByClamshellTabletTransition ||
snap_action_source == WindowSnapActionSource::kAutoSnapInSplitView;
if (!can_group_or_replace) {
return false;
// If there is no opposite snapped window, we are done.
aura::Window* opposite = GetOppositeVisibleSnappedWindow(window);
if (!opposite) {
return false;
// Disallow adding to group if the snap ratio gap exceeds the allowed
// threshold.
if (!IsSnapRatioGapWithinThreshold(window, opposite)) {
return false;
// First attempt snap to replace. Snap groups in overview would be excluded by
// `GetOppositeVisibleSnappedWindow()`.
if (MaybeSnapToReplace(window, opposite, snap_action_source)) {
return true;
if (auto* snap_group =
AddSnapGroup(window, opposite, /*replace=*/false,
/*carry_over_creation_time=*/std::nullopt)) {
aura::Window* target_window = nullptr;
switch (snap_action_source) {
case WindowSnapActionSource::kSnapByWindowLayoutMenu:
case WindowSnapActionSource::kLacrosSnapButtonOrWindowLayoutMenu:
case WindowSnapActionSource::kSnapByClamshellTabletTransition:
// If the window was snapped via the layout menu, respect its
// requested snap ratio. We also refresh the bounds for tablet
// transition to ensure no divider gap.
target_window = window;
case WindowSnapActionSource::kDragWindowToEdgeToSnap:
case WindowSnapActionSource::kLongPressCaptionButtonToSnap:
case WindowSnapActionSource::kDragOrSelectOverviewWindowToSnap:
case WindowSnapActionSource::kAutoSnapInSplitView:
// Else if using a drag to snap or auto-snap action source, respect the
// opposite window's snap ratio. This is to give the impression of
// filling the layout and feels more intuitive to the user.
target_window = opposite;
// Else no need to refresh the group bounds.
return true;
const float snap_ratio = window_util::GetSnapRatioForWindow(target_window);
// Apply the target window's snap ratio *after* the group creation so we
// can actually enforce it.
IsPhysicallyLeftOrTop(target_window) ? snap_ratio : 1.f - snap_ratio);
return true;
return false;
SnapGroup* SnapGroupController::AddSnapGroup(
aura::Window* window1,
aura::Window* window2,
bool replace,
std::optional<base::TimeTicks> carry_over_creation_time) {
// The windows may already be in a snap group, if for example a snap group is
// formed, then a window is re-snapped via the window layout menu.
if (AreWindowsInSnapGroup(window1, window2)) {
return GetSnapGroupForGivenWindow(window1);
// We should only allow snap group to be created for windows that have the
// same parent.
if (window1->parent() != window2->parent()) {
return nullptr;
// Disallow snap group creation for unresizable windows.
if (!WindowState::Get(window1)->CanResize() ||
!WindowState::Get(window2)->CanResize()) {
return nullptr;
// We only allow snap group to be created if the windows fit the work area.
if (!CanWindowsFitInWorkArea(window1, window2)) {
return nullptr;
// Disallow forming a Snap Group if either of the windows is configured to be
// "visible on all workspaces".
if (desks_util::IsWindowVisibleOnAllWorkspaces(window1) ||
desks_util::IsWindowVisibleOnAllWorkspaces(window2)) {
return nullptr;
if (base::Contains(window_to_snap_group_map_, window1) ||
base::Contains(window_to_snap_group_map_, window2)) {
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<SnapGroup> snap_group =
std::make_unique<SnapGroup>(window1, window2, carry_over_creation_time);
window_to_snap_group_map_.emplace(window1, snap_group.get());
window_to_snap_group_map_.emplace(window2, snap_group.get());
// Bounds have to be refreshed after snap group is created together with
// divider and added to `window_to_snap_group_map_`. Otherwise, the snap ratio
// will not be precisely calculated see `GetCurrentSnapRatio()` in
// window_state.cc.
auto* snap_group_ptr = snap_group.get();
for (auto& observer : observers_) {
if (!replace) {
return snap_group_ptr;
bool SnapGroupController::RemoveSnapGroup(SnapGroup* snap_group,
SnapGroupExitPoint exit_point) {
const bool snap_to_replace = exit_point == SnapGroupExitPoint::kSnapToReplace;
if (!snap_to_replace) {
// Records persistence duration and Snap Groups count when the removal of
// `group_to_remove` is not due to 'Snap to Replace', as this is considered
// an extension of the snap group's lifespan.
RecordSnapGroupPersistenceDuration(base::TimeTicks::Now() -
// We should always record the actual duration of the Snap Group upon removal.
RecordSnapGroupActualDuration(base::TimeTicks::Now() -
aura::Window* window1 = snap_group->window1();
aura::Window* window2 = snap_group->window2();
CHECK_EQ(window_to_snap_group_map_.erase(window1), 1u);
CHECK_EQ(window_to_snap_group_map_.erase(window2), 1u);
auto iter =
base::ranges::find_if(snap_groups_, base::MatchesUniquePtr(snap_group));
DCHECK(iter != snap_groups_.end());
for (auto& observer : observers_) {
observer.OnSnapGroupRemoving(snap_group, exit_point);
auto group_to_remove = std::move(*iter);
FROM_HERE, std::move(group_to_remove));
if (!snap_to_replace) {
return true;
bool SnapGroupController::RemoveSnapGroupContainingWindow(
aura::Window* window,
SnapGroupExitPoint exit_point) {
SnapGroup* snap_group = GetSnapGroupForGivenWindow(window);
if (snap_group == nullptr) {
return false;
return RemoveSnapGroup(snap_group, exit_point);
SnapGroup* SnapGroupController::GetSnapGroupForGivenWindow(
const aura::Window* window) const {
if (!window) {
return nullptr;
auto iter = window_to_snap_group_map_.find(window);
return iter != window_to_snap_group_map_.end() ? iter->second : nullptr;
SnapGroup* SnapGroupController::GetTopmostVisibleSnapGroup(
const aura::Window* target_root) const {
for (const aura::Window* top_window : GetActiveDeskAppWindowsInZOrder(
const_cast<aura::Window*>(target_root))) {
// Skip to the topmost window on `target_root`, ignoring occlusion-exempt
// windows.
if (ShouldExcludeForOcclusionCheck(top_window, target_root)) {
// Note that if `top_window` is floated or pip'ed, it would not belong to a
// snap group.
if (auto* snap_group = GetSnapGroupForGivenWindow(top_window);
snap_group && AreSnapGroupWindowsVisible(snap_group)) {
return snap_group;
// Else if `top_window` does not belong to a snap group, we are done.
return nullptr;
SnapGroup* SnapGroupController::GetTopmostSnapGroup() const {
// Use `BuildMruWindowList()` to include all windows on the active desk across
// all root windows.
for (const aura::Window* window :
Shell::Get()->mru_window_tracker()->BuildMruWindowList(kActiveDesk)) {
if (auto* snap_group = GetSnapGroupForGivenWindow(window);
snap_group && AreSnapGroupWindowsVisible(snap_group)) {
return snap_group;
return nullptr;
std::optional<std::pair<aura::Window*, aura::Window*>>
SnapGroupController::GetWindowPairForSnapToReplaceWithKeyboardShortcut() {
// Snap-to-replace targets only partially obscured Snap Group, which is the
// topmost Snap Group.
SnapGroup* top_snap_group = GetTopmostSnapGroup();
if (!top_snap_group) {
return std::nullopt;
aura::Window* root_window = window_util::GetRootWindowAt(
aura::Window::Windows windows = GetActiveDeskAppWindowsInZOrder(root_window);
for (size_t i = 0; i < windows.size(); i++) {
aura::Window* window = windows[i];
const auto* window_state = WindowState::Get(window);
if (!window->IsVisible() || window_state->IsMinimized() ||
desks_util::IsWindowVisibleOnAllWorkspaces(window)) {
// If the `window` being traversed belongs to a Snap Group and is the first
// window encountered in the list, we can immediately exit the loop. Since
// the other window in the group will also be on top, indicating the group
// is not partially obscured (a condition we need for snap-to-replace).
if (SnapGroup* snap_group_being_traversed =
snap_group_being_traversed && i == 0 &&
window == snap_group_being_traversed->GetTopMostWindowInGroup()) {
// Snap-to-Replace Eligibility Check:
// - Upon finding a snapped window, assess its potential for
// snap-to-replace.
// - This entails checking against the `top_snap_group`.
// - The combined snap ratios of the snapped window and the opposite
// window within the `top_snap_group` must equal one. This signifies that
// the two windows would perfectly fill the workspace if snapped together.
// - If this eligibility check passes:
// i. The snapped window is confirmed as a valid candidate for
// snap-to-replace.
// ii. The opposite snapped window within the `top_snap_group` is
// identified as another member of the `window_pair` required to form
// the new Snap Group after the snap-to-replace.
const auto window_state_type = window_state->GetStateType();
const auto snap_ratio = window_state->snap_ratio();
aura::Window* visible_snapped_window_in_snap_group = nullptr;
if (window_state_type == chromeos::WindowStateType::kPrimarySnapped) {
visible_snapped_window_in_snap_group = top_snap_group->window2();
if (base::IsApproximatelyEqual(
->snap_ratio() +
1.f, std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())) {
return std::make_pair(window, visible_snapped_window_in_snap_group);
if (window_state_type == chromeos::WindowStateType::kSecondarySnapped) {
visible_snapped_window_in_snap_group = top_snap_group->window1();
if (base::IsApproximatelyEqual(
->snap_ratio() +
1.f, std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())) {
return std::make_pair(visible_snapped_window_in_snap_group, window);
return std::nullopt;
void SnapGroupController::AddObserver(SnapGroupObserver* observer) {
void SnapGroupController::RemoveObserver(SnapGroupObserver* observer) {
void SnapGroupController::OnFloatUnfloatCompleted(aura::Window* window) {
// Needed because float -> snap will trigger a workspace event, during which
// we want to ignore bounds events since the window is unfloating. Only when
// all the nested unfloat events triggered by the original snap event is
// finished and `WindowState::is_handling_float_event_` is reset can we
// refresh the group and send bounds events.
if (auto* snap_group = GetSnapGroupForGivenWindow(window)) {
void SnapGroupController::OnOverviewModeStarting() {
if (display::Screen::GetScreen()->InTabletMode()) {
for (const auto& snap_group : snap_groups_) {
void SnapGroupController::OnOverviewModeEnding(
OverviewSession* overview_session) {
if (display::Screen::GetScreen()->InTabletMode()) {
// On Overview mode ending, call `RefreshSnapGroup()` to refresh the bounds
// of the snapped windows and divider. This ensures they either maintain a
// proper fit within the work area or are gracefully broken from the group
// if they no longer fit due to potential device scale factor in Overview.
// By doing this refresh after exiting Overview, we prevent heavy visual
// updates and re-layout (break `OverviewGroupItem` back to two individual
// `Overviewitem`s) while in Overview mode.
for (const auto& snap_group : snap_groups_) {
void SnapGroupController::OnOverviewModeEndingAnimationComplete(bool canceled) {
if (display::Screen::GetScreen()->InTabletMode()) {
for (const auto& snap_group : snap_groups_) {
void SnapGroupController::OnDisplayTabletStateChanged(
display::TabletState state) {
switch (state) {
case display::TabletState::kInClamshellMode:
case display::TabletState::kEnteringTabletMode:
case display::TabletState::kInTabletMode:
case display::TabletState::kExitingTabletMode:
// TODO(b/327269057): Consider moving split view transition here.
// Currently it's handled by `MaybeEndSplitViewAndOverview()` in
// `TabletModeWindowManager`.
bool SnapGroupController::MaybeSnapToReplace(
aura::Window* to_be_snapped_window,
aura::Window* opposite_snapped_window,
WindowSnapActionSource snap_action_source) {
// Early return when
// 1. In tablet mode;
// 2. `to_be_snapped_window` belongs to a snap group, this can happen when
// moving a snap group to another desk with snap groups.
if (display::Screen::GetScreen()->InTabletMode() ||
GetSnapGroupForGivenWindow(to_be_snapped_window)) {
return false;
// TODO(b/331305840): Come up with an API to retrieve the snapped window on
// the same side as the `to_be_snapped_window` to simplify the logic.
SnapGroup* group_to_replace =
if (!group_to_replace) {
return false;
WindowState* window_state = WindowState::Get(to_be_snapped_window);
const auto window_state_type = window_state->GetStateType();
aura::Window* curr_primary_window = group_to_replace->window1();
aura::Window* curr_secondary_window = group_to_replace->window2();
aura::Window* new_primary_window = nullptr;
aura::Window* new_secondary_window = nullptr;
aura::Window* to_be_replaced_window = nullptr;
if (window_state_type == chromeos::WindowStateType::kPrimarySnapped) {
to_be_replaced_window = curr_primary_window;
new_primary_window = to_be_snapped_window;
new_secondary_window = curr_secondary_window;
} else {
CHECK_EQ(window_state_type, chromeos::WindowStateType::kSecondarySnapped);
to_be_replaced_window = curr_secondary_window;
new_primary_window = curr_primary_window;
new_secondary_window = to_be_snapped_window;
// Disallow snap-to-replace if `to_be_replaced_window` is on a different
// parent container with the `to_be_snapped_window`.
if (to_be_replaced_window->parent() != to_be_snapped_window->parent()) {
return false;
// If the new windows can't fit, do not allow snap to replace.
if (!CanWindowsFitInWorkArea(new_primary_window, new_secondary_window)) {
return false;
// TODO(b/331470570): Consider directly replacing the `to_be_snapped_window`
// within the `snap_group`.
const auto carry_over_creation_time =
RemoveSnapGroup(group_to_replace, SnapGroupExitPoint::kSnapToReplace);
SnapGroup* new_snap_group = AddSnapGroup(
new_primary_window, new_secondary_window, /*replace=*/true,
// Snap Group may not be formed successfully.
if (!new_snap_group) {
return false;
// Apply the `primary_window_snap_ratio` to the `new_snap_group` such that the
// snap ratio of the `group_to_replace` is preserved.
const float snapped_window_snap_ratio =
const float primary_window_snap_ratio =
new_primary_window == to_be_snapped_window
? snapped_window_snap_ratio
: 1 - snapped_window_snap_ratio;
return true;
aura::Window* SnapGroupController::RetrieveTheOtherWindowInSnapGroup(
aura::Window* window) const {
if (window_to_snap_group_map_.find(window) ==
window_to_snap_group_map_.end()) {
return nullptr;
SnapGroup* snap_group = window_to_snap_group_map_.find(window)->second;
return window == snap_group->window1() ? snap_group->window2()
: snap_group->window1();
void SnapGroupController::RestoreSnapGroups() {
// TODO(b/288335850): Currently `SplitViewController` only supports two
// windows, the group at the end will overwrite any split view operations.
// This will be addressed in multiple snap groups feature.
// TODO(b/288334530): Iterate through all the displays and restore the snap
// groups based on the mru order.
for (const auto& snap_group : snap_groups_) {
void SnapGroupController::RestoreSnapState(SnapGroup* snap_group) {
auto* window1 = snap_group->window1();
const auto window1_snap_ratio = WindowState::Get(window1)->snap_ratio();
auto* window2 = snap_group->window2();
const auto window2_snap_ratio = WindowState::Get(window2)->snap_ratio();
// Preferably to use `SplitViewController::SnapWindow()` as it also handles
// asynchronous operations from client controlled state.
SplitViewController* split_view_controller =
window1, SnapPosition::kPrimary,
WindowSnapActionSource::kSnapByWindowStateRestore, *window1_snap_ratio);
window2, SnapPosition::kSecondary,
WindowSnapActionSource::kSnapByWindowStateRestore, *window2_snap_ratio);
void SnapGroupController::OnTabletModeStarted() {
// TODO(b/327269057): Define tablet <-> clamshell transition.
while (!snap_groups_.empty()) {
} // namespace ash