// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package android.widget.directwriting;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.graphics.PointF;
import android.graphics.Rect;
* Direct writing service callback API for providing functionality of service callback operations,
* mainly committing recognized and handling detected gestures. These APIs are to be implemented by
* application making use of the direct writing service to:
* 1. provide requested information regarding the current input field location and input state for
* which the writing is initiated.
* 2. commit recognized text and set the cursor after commit.
* 3. handle recognized gestures like deleting or adding text, spaces by using the gesture data
* Bundle provided by the service.
interface IDirectWritingServiceCallback {
const int VERSION = 3;
* Gets version of Aidl
* @returns version IDirectWritingServiceCallback.VERSION
int getVersion() = 0;
// { Life Cycle
* Calls When finish writing from service
void onFinishRecognition() = 1;
// Life Cycle}
// { Bound EditText
* Calls When Touch Up event happens outside of bounded edit text
* Try to find and bind proper edit text near event position
* Should run on main looper
void bindEditIn(float x, float y) = 10;
* Called when the Service needs updated Edit field position. Used when the soft keyboard is
* being shown or hidden to position the Direct writing widget toolbar near edit bounds.
* This should respond by calling IDirectWritingService.onBoundedEditTextChanged with updated
* bounds of focused edit field.
* Should run on main looper.
void updateBoundedEditTextRect() = 11;
// Bound EditText }
// { EditText Text and Selection Setter
* Sets text and cursor in bounded edit text
* Should run on main looper
* @param text to set in edit text
* @param index to set cursor position in edit text
void setTextSelection(CharSequence text, int index) = 20;
* Same method with EditText
* Should run on main looper
void setText(CharSequence text) = 21;
* Same method with EditText
* Should run on main looper
void setSelection(int selection) = 22;
// EditText Text and Selection Setter }
// { EditText Text and Selection Getter
* Same method with EditText
int getSelectionStart() = 30;
* Same method with EditText
int getSelectionEnd() = 31;
* Same method with EditText
int getOffsetForPosition(float x, float y) = 32;
* Same method with EditText
CharSequence getText() = 33;
* Same method with EditText
int length() = 34;
// EditText Text and Selection Getter }
// EditText Rect and Size, Position Getter }
* Same method with EditText
int getHeight() = 40;
* Same method with EditText
int getWidth() = 41;
* Same method with EditText
int getScrollY() = 42;
* Same method with EditText
int getPaddingStart() = 43;
* Same method with EditText
int getPaddingTop() = 44;
* Same method with EditText
int getPaddingBottom() = 45;
* Same method with EditText
int getPaddingEnd() = 46;
* Same method with EditText
int getRight() = 47;
* Same method with EditText
int getLeft() = 48;
* Same method with EditText
int getTop() = 49;
* Same method with EditText
int getBottom() = 50;
* Same method with EditText
int getLineHeight() = 51;
* Same method with EditText
int getLineCount() = 52;
* Same method with EditText
int getBaseLine() = 53;
// EditText Rect and Size, Position Getter }
// { EditText layout Getter
* Same method with EditText.getLayout()
int getParagraphDirection(int line) = 70;
* Same method with EditText.getLayout()
float getPrimaryHorizontal(int offset) = 71;
* Same method with EditText.getLayout()
float getLineMax(int i) = 72;
* Same method with EditText.getLayout()
int getLineForOffset(int offset) = 73;
* Same method with EditText.getLayout()
int getLineStart(int line) = 74;
* Same method with EditText.getLayout()
int getLineEnd(int line) = 75;
* Same method with EditText.getLayout()
int getLineTop(int line) = 76;
* Same method with EditText.getLayout()
int getLineBottom(int line) = 77;
* Same method with EditText.getLayout()
int getLineVisibleEnd(int line) = 78;
* Same method with EditText.getLayout()
int getLineBaseline(int line) = 79;
* Get line height by line index
int getLineHeightByIndex(int line) = 80;
* Get line max inclues start padding of editText
int getLineMaxIncludePadding(int line) = 81;
* Same method with EditText.getLayout()
int getLineAscent(int line) = 82;
* Same method with EditText.getLayout()
int getLineDescent(int line) = 83;
* Get text area by line index
Rect getTextAreaRect(int line) = 84;
// EditText layout Getter }
// { VI
* Gets location of cursor for VI
PointF getCursorLocation(int selectionStart) = 90;
// VI }
// { EditText EditInfo Getter
* Same method with EditText
String getPrivateImeOptions() = 100;
* Same method with EditText
int getImeOptions() = 101;
* Same method with EditText
int getInputType() = 102;
// EditText EditInfo Getter }
// { InputMethod
* Same method with EditText
* Should run on main looper
void onEditorAction(int actionCode) = 110;
* Executes INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE sendAppPrivateCommand to send command to Keyboard
* @param action to send to keyboard
* @param bundle to send to keyboard
void onAppPrivateCommand(String action, in Bundle bundle) = 111;
* Hides keyboard forcely if it is showing for current input.
void semForceHideSoftInput() = 112;
// InputMethod }
// { Common Extra
* Extra Command for future use
* @param action is for future use
* @param bundle is for future use
void onExtraCommand(String action, inout Bundle bundle) = 900;
// Common Extra }
// { TextView
* TextView Extra Command for future use.
* Note: This Callback API receives the stylus writing Gesture recognized by service along with
* gesture data bundle containing gesture coordinates, text to insert and alternate text to be
* inserted in case gesture is not done over a valid text position in input.
* @param action is for future use
* @param bundle is for future use
void onTextViewExtraCommand(String action, inout Bundle bundle) = 901;
// TextView }
* Direct writing service may be stopped to save memory when unused for a while. This method is
* called to check if still hovering over writable fields to avoid stopping the service.
* @return true if the stylus handwriting hover icon is currently being shown, false otherwise.
boolean isHoverIconShowing() = 902;