
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module subresource_filter.mojom;

import "components/subresource_filter/core/mojom/subresource_filter.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/ad_tagging/ad_evidence.mojom";
import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/tokens/tokens.mojom";

// The interface implemented in the renderer that the browser host can interact
// with. This interface is per-frame.
interface SubresourceFilterAgent {
  // Instructs the renderer to activate subresource filtering at the specified
  // |activation_state| for the document load committed next in a frame. Also
  // informs the renderer of the frame's ad evidence. If the frame is a
  // subresource filter root frame, `ad_evidence` should be null as only child
  // frames can be tagged.
  // Must be called just before mojom::FrameNavigationControl::CommitNavigation,
  // at ReadyToCommitNavigation time. If not called, the default behavior is
  // mojom::ActivationLevel::kDisabled and unchanged ad evidence.
  ActivateForNextCommittedLoad(ActivationState activation_state,
                               blink.mojom.FrameAdEvidence? ad_evidence);

// The browser host object that manages subresource filtering for a conceptual
// page.
interface SubresourceFilterHost {
  // Called the first time a subresource load is disallowed for the most
  // recently committed document load in a frame. It is used to trigger a UI
  // prompt to inform the user and allow them to turn off filtering.

  // Called when a RenderFrame is created and is tagged as an ad frame. The
  // browser keeps track of this in case the frame later changes processes, at
  // which point it will inform the new RenderFrame that it has been tagged as
  // an ad via SubresourceFilterMsg_ActivateForNextCommittedLoad, at
  // ReadyToCommitNavigation time.

  // Called when a RenderFrame is created with ad script on the v8 stack. The
  // browser keeps track of this for deciding whether to tag frames as ads.

  // Notifies the host that an MPArch-based FencedFrame was created while an ad
  // script was on the v8 stack. Note that this is called from the owning
  // RenderFrame since in MPArch the fenced frame's inner RenderFrame is
  // isolated from the embedding frame so it cannot inspect the creating v8
  // stack. The host uses this to initialize the AdEvidence for the inner
  // frame. This is called immediately after the FencedFrame is created by the
  // embedding RenderFrameHostImpl.
  // Note: This is not called in the ShadowDOM FencedFrame implementation.
  // `fenced_frame_root_placeholder_token` is the frame token for the
  // placeholder remote frame representing the fenced frame root in the
  // embedding renderer. i.e. what the browser side calls the "outer delegate
  // proxy".
      blink.mojom.RemoteFrameToken fenced_frame_root_placeholder_token);

  // This is sent to a RenderFrameHost in the browser when a document load is
  // finished, just before the DidFinishLoad message, and contains statistics
  // collected by the DocumentSubresourceFilter up until that point: the number
  // of subresources evaluated/disallowed/etc, and total time spent on
  // evaluating subresource loads in its allowLoad method. The time metrics are
  // equal to zero if performance measurements were disabled for the load.
  SetDocumentLoadStatistics(DocumentLoadStatistics statistics);

  // Called when a render frame detects an ads violation. It is used to record
  // ads violations within the ads intervention manager.
  OnAdsViolationTriggered(AdsViolation violation);