// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace ash {
// Specifies the snap position for split view.
// For primary screen orientation:
// - For landscape screen orientation, `kPrimary` corresponds to the
// left-snapped position and `kSecondary` corresponds to the right-snapped
// position.
// - For portrait screen orientation, `kPrimary` corresponds to the top-snapped
// position and `kSecondary` corresponds to the bottom-snapped position.
// For non-primary screen orientation:
// - For landscape screen orientation, `kPrimary` corresponds to the
// right-snapped position and `kSecondary` corresponds to the left-snapped
// position.
// - For portrait screen orientation, `kPrimary` corresponds to the
// bottom-snapped position and `kSecondary` corresponds to the top-snapped
// position.
enum class SnapPosition { kNone, kPrimary, kSecondary };
} // namespace ash