
syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package kidsmanagement;

import "families_common.proto";
import "permissions_common.proto";

// These mirror the definitions at go/chrome-kids-management-messages (Googlers
// only).

message ListMembersRequest {
  // If set to true, returns an empty response (no members field set) instead of
  // throwing NOT_FOUND errors when the authenticated user has no family.
  optional bool allow_empty_family = 4;

message ListMembersResponse {
  // List of family members from the family requested. Required.
  // Contains at least the Head of Household.
  // Throws an exception and fails if the user is not in any family.
  repeated FamilyMember members = 1;

message ClassifyUrlRequest {
  // The URL to be classified.
  optional string url = 3;

  // region_code is a 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code.
  // When set, uses specific logic to classify URLs for that region.
  optional string region_code = 4;

message ClassifyUrlResponse {
  enum DisplayClassification {

    // Allow url to be displayed
    ALLOWED = 1;

    // Block url and allow kid to request parent for permission

  optional DisplayClassification display_classification = 2;

message CreatePermissionRequestResponse {
  optional PermissionRequest permission_request = 2;

message PermissionRequest {
  // The unique ID of the permission request. The ID is assigned on creation
  // on the server-side. This is a base64Url representation of the
  // PermissionRequestId proto.
  optional string id = 1;

  optional FamilyEventType event_type = 10;

  // The target object of the permission.
  optional string object_ref = 4;

  // The current state of the request.
  optional PermissionRequestState state = 5;

// An enum indicating how a website exception applies on top of the filter
// level.
enum ExceptionType {
  // A website of this type is always allowed, regardless of the filter level.
  ALLOW = 1;
  // A website of this type is always blocked, regardless of the filter level.
  BLOCK = 2;
// A website exception, applied on top of the filter level.
message WebsiteException {
  // A pattern to match websites against.
  // It should be either a domain, like "" or a keyword surrounded
  // by periods and *s, like "*.google.*".
  optional string pattern = 1;
  // The type of the exception.
  optional ExceptionType exception_type = 2;
  // Icon for the URL pattern, may be present on RPC responses.
  optional string icon_url = 3;

// An enum indicating which level of filter to apply.
// Exceptions always bypass the filter level.
enum FilterLevel {
  // All websites are allowed by default.
  // Websites approved by Safe Sites are allowed by default.
  // No websites are allowed by default.

message DefineChromeTestStateRequest {
  // Identifies subject of this request.
  optional string child_id = 1;

  // Empty message has "do not change" semantics. Use
  // ResetChromeDefaultTestStateRequest to reset to defaults.
  optional UrlFilteringSettings url_filtering_settings = 2;

  message UrlFilteringSettings {
    // Filter level to apply. If absent, the permission won't change.
    optional FilterLevel filter_level = 1;

    // Website exceptions to be added in the exception list on top of the filter
    // level
    repeated WebsiteException exceptions = 2;

    // Whether websites can request child sensitive information such as access
    // to their camera, microphone and location.
    optional bool websites_can_request_permissions = 3;

    // Whether cookies can be blocked by the child.
    optional bool can_block_cookies = 4;

    // Whether child can add extensions on Chrome.
    optional bool can_add_extensions = 5;

message ResetChromeTestStateRequest {
  // Identifies subject of this request.
  optional string child_id = 1;