
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "components/sync/base/data_type.h"

namespace syncer {

// The enum values are used for histogram suffixes. When adding a new type here,
// extend also the "Sync.DataTypeUpdateDrop" histogram in histograms.xml.
enum class UpdateDropReason {};

// Records that a remote update of an entity of type |type| got dropped into a
// |reason| related histogram.
void SyncRecordDataTypeUpdateDropReason(UpdateDropReason reason, DataType type);

// Converts memory size |bytes| into kilobytes and records it into |data_type|
// related histogram for memory footprint of sync data.
void SyncRecordDataTypeMemoryHistogram(DataType data_type, size_t bytes);

// Records |count| into a |data_type| related histogram for count of sync
// entities.
void SyncRecordDataTypeCountHistogram(DataType data_type, size_t count);

// Records the serialized byte size of a sync entity from `data_type`, both
// with and without sync metadata (`total_bytes` and `specifics_bytes`
// respectively). Meant to be called when the entity is committed.
void SyncRecordDataTypeEntitySizeHistogram(DataType data_type,
                                           bool is_tombstone,
                                           size_t specifics_bytes,
                                           size_t total_bytes);

// Records when the model (including both data and metadata) was cleared for a
// given `data_type` due to
// `WipeModelUponSyncDisabledBehavior::kOnceIfTrackingMetadata`.
void SyncRecordModelClearedOnceHistogram(DataType data_type);

// Records the amount of unsynced entities for the given |data_type| upon
// DataTypeLocalChangeProcessor::ModelReadyToSync() call.
void SyncRecordDataTypeNumUnsyncedEntitiesOnModelReady(
    DataType data_type,
    size_t num_unsynced_entities);

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(SyncToSigninMigrationReadingListStep)
enum class ReadingListMigrationStep {};
// LINT.ThenChange(/tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/sync/enums.xml:SyncToSigninMigrationReadingListStep)
void RecordSyncToSigninMigrationReadingListStep(ReadingListMigrationStep step);

}  // namespace syncer