
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This file contains various utility functions used by DataTypeWorker to
// preprocess remote bookmark updates, to deal with backward-compatibility of
// data and migrate updates such that they resemble updates from a modern
// client.


#include <string>

namespace sync_pb {
class SyncEntity;
class EntitySpecifics;
}  // namespace sync_pb

namespace syncer {

// Populates |specifics->bookmark().unique_position()| from the various
// supported proto fields in |update_entity| and worst-case falls back to a
// random position. |specifics| must not be null. Returns true if
// |unique_position| has been changed.
bool AdaptUniquePositionForBookmark(const sync_pb::SyncEntity& update_entity,
                                    sync_pb::EntitySpecifics* specifics);

// Populates |specifics->bookmark().type()| (i.e. whether a bookmark is a
// folder) for the cases where the field isn't populated.
void AdaptTypeForBookmark(const sync_pb::SyncEntity& update_entity,
                          sync_pb::EntitySpecifics* specifics);

// Populates |specifics->bookmark().legacy_canonicalized_title()| from the
// various supported sources, or no-op if specifics already have the field set.
// |specifics| must not be null.
void AdaptTitleForBookmark(const sync_pb::SyncEntity& update_entity,
                           sync_pb::EntitySpecifics* specifics,
                           bool specifics_were_encrypted);

// Tries to populates |specifics->bookmark().guid()| from the various supported
// sources, or no-op if a) specifics already have the field set; or b) the GUID
// cannot be inferred. |specifics| must not be null.
void AdaptGuidForBookmark(const sync_pb::SyncEntity& update_entity,
                          sync_pb::EntitySpecifics* specifics);

// GUID-inferring function exposed for testing.
std::string InferGuidForLegacyBookmarkForTesting(
    const std::string& originator_cache_guid,
    const std::string& originator_client_item_id);

}  // namespace syncer