
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/sync/engine/cycle/nudge_tracker.h"

#include <stdint.h>

#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "base/test/scoped_feature_list.h"
#include "components/sync/base/features.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/data_type_progress_marker.pb.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/sync_enums.pb.h"
#include "components/sync/test/mock_invalidation.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace syncer {

namespace {

testing::AssertionResult DataTypeSetEquals(DataTypeSet a, DataTypeSet b) {}

}  // namespace

class NudgeTrackerTest : public ::testing::Test {};

// Exercise an empty NudgeTracker.
// Use with valgrind to detect uninitialized members.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, EmptyNudgeTracker) {}

// Verify that nudges override each other based on a priority order.
// RETRY < all variants of GU_TRIGGER
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, OriginPriorities) {}

// Checks the behaviour of the invalidations-out-of-sync flag.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, EnableDisableInvalidations) {}

// Tests that locally modified types are correctly written out to the
// GetUpdateTriggers proto.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, WriteLocallyModifiedTypesToProto) {}

// Tests that refresh requested types are correctly written out to the
// GetUpdateTriggers proto.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, WriteRefreshRequestedTypesToProto) {}

// Basic tests for the IsSyncRequired() flag.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, IsSyncRequired) {}

// Basic tests for the IsGetUpdatesRequired() flag.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, IsGetUpdatesRequired) {}

// Test IsSyncRequired() responds correctly to data type throttling and backoff.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, IsSyncRequired_Throttling_Backoff) {}

// Test IsGetUpdatesRequired() responds correctly to data type throttling and
// backoff.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, IsGetUpdatesRequired_Throttling_Backoff) {}

// Tests blocking-related getter functions when no types are blocked.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, NoTypesBlocked) {}

// Tests throttling-related getter functions when some types are throttled.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, ThrottleAndUnthrottle) {}

// Tests backoff-related getter functions when some types are backed off.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, BackoffAndUnbackoff) {}

TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, OverlappingThrottleIntervals) {}

TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, OverlappingBackoffIntervals) {}

TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, Retry) {}

// Test a mid-cycle update when IsRetryRequired() was true before the cycle
// began.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, IsRetryRequired_MidCycleUpdate1) {}

// Test a mid-cycle update when IsRetryRequired() was false before the cycle
// began.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, IsRetryRequired_MidCycleUpdate2) {}

// Simulate the case where a sync cycle fails.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, IsRetryRequired_FailedCycle) {}

// Simulate a partially failed sync cycle.  The callback to update the GU retry
// was invoked, but the sync cycle did not complete successfully.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, IsRetryRequired_FailedCycleIncludesUpdate) {}

// Test the default nudge delays for various types.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, NudgeDelayTest) {}

// Test that custom nudge delays are used over the defaults.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, CustomDelayTest) {}

TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, DoNotUpdateDelayIfTooSmall) {}

// Test the default nudge delays for various types.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, NudgeDelaysForSingleClientUser_FeatureDisabled) {}

// Test the default nudge delays for various types.
TEST_F(NudgeTrackerTest, NudgeDelaysForSingleClientUser_FeatureEnabled) {}

}  // namespace syncer