
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/sync/engine/get_updates_processor.h"

#include <stdint.h>

#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/cycle/debug_info_getter.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/cycle/nudge_tracker.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/cycle/status_controller.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/get_updates_delegate.h"
#include "components/sync/engine/update_handler.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/data_type_progress_marker.pb.h"
#include "components/sync/test/data_type_test_util.h"
#include "components/sync/test/mock_debug_info_getter.h"
#include "components/sync/test/mock_invalidation.h"
#include "components/sync/test/mock_update_handler.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace syncer {

namespace {

}  // namespace

// A test fixture for tests exercising download updates functions.
class GetUpdatesProcessorBaseTest : public ::testing::Test {};

class GetUpdatesProcessorTest : public GetUpdatesProcessorBaseTest {};

// Basic test to make sure nudges are expressed properly in the request.
TEST_F(GetUpdatesProcessorTest, BookmarkNudge) {}

// Basic test to ensure invalidation payloads are expressed in the
// NormalDelegate requests.
TEST_F(GetUpdatesProcessorTest, NotifyNormalDelegate) {}

// Basic test to ensure invalidation payloads are not expressed in
// ConfigureDelegate requests.
TEST_F(GetUpdatesProcessorTest, NotifyConfigureDelegate) {}

// Basic test to ensure invalidation payloads are not expressed in
// PollGetUpdatesDelegate requests.
TEST_F(GetUpdatesProcessorTest, NotifyPollGetUpdatesDelegate) {}

// Basic test to ensure initial sync requests are expressed in the request.
TEST_F(GetUpdatesProcessorTest, InitialSyncRequest) {}

TEST_F(GetUpdatesProcessorTest, ConfigureTest) {}

TEST_F(GetUpdatesProcessorTest, PollTest) {}

TEST_F(GetUpdatesProcessorTest, RetryTest) {}

TEST_F(GetUpdatesProcessorTest, NudgeWithRetryTest) {}

// Verify that a bogus response message is detected.
TEST_F(GetUpdatesProcessorTest, InvalidResponse) {}

// Verify that we correctly detect when there's more work to be done.
TEST_F(GetUpdatesProcessorTest, MoreToDownloadResponse) {}

// A simple scenario: No updates returned and nothing more to download.
TEST_F(GetUpdatesProcessorTest, NormalResponseTest) {}

// Variant of GetUpdatesProcessor test designed to test update application.
// Maintains two enabled types, but requests that updates be applied for only
// one of them.
class GetUpdatesProcessorApplyUpdatesTest : public GetUpdatesProcessorBaseTest {};

// Verify that a normal cycle applies updates to the specified types.
TEST_F(GetUpdatesProcessorApplyUpdatesTest, Normal) {}

// Verify that a configure cycle applies updates to the specified types.
TEST_F(GetUpdatesProcessorApplyUpdatesTest, Configure) {}

// Verify that a poll cycle applies updates to the specified types.
TEST_F(GetUpdatesProcessorApplyUpdatesTest, Poll) {}

}  // namespace syncer