
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.sync.protocol";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package sync_pb;

// This proto represents a single cookie. Except for `unique_key` all
// fields should be the same as in `net::CanonicalCookie`.
message CookieSpecifics {
  // To be used as a Sync client tag, corresponds to `StrictlyUniqueCookieKey`.
  // `StrictlyUniqueCookieKey` contains selected members of
  // `net::CanonicalCoookie` which we already save in specifics, but we save the
  // key separately to be resilient against future changes to
  // `StrictlyUniqueCookieKey`. By reading it from this field (instead of
  // computing it from other data in specifics) we make sure that the client tag
  // will be stable across different Chrome versions. It also leaves the option
  // to check if the key saved in a given entity is aligned with the current
  // definition of `StrictlyUniqueCookieKey`. If it is not, client can choose to
  // ignore that entity, or implement any other special handling. The string
  // saved here is expected to be computed by concatenating serialized values
  // from the `StrictlyUniqueCookieKey` for the corresponding cookie.
  optional string unique_key = 1;

  optional string name = 2;
  optional string value = 3;
  optional string domain = 4;
  optional string path = 5;

  optional int64 creation_time_windows_epoch_micros = 6;
  optional int64 expiry_time_windows_epoch_micros = 7;
  optional int64 last_access_time_windows_epoch_micros = 8;
  optional int64 last_update_time_windows_epoch_micros = 9;

  optional bool secure = 10;
  optional bool httponly = 11;

  // The numbering is different compared to the `net::CookieSameSite` enum since
  // the style guide asks to use UNSPECIFIED for the zero value enum
  // (
  enum CookieSameSite {
    LAX_MODE = 2;
    STRICT_MODE = 3;

  optional CookieSameSite site_restrictions = 12;

  // The numbering is different compared to the `net::CookiePriority` enum since
  // the style guide asks to use UNSPECIFIED for the zero value enum
  // (
  enum CookiePriority {
    LOW = 1;
    MEDIUM = 2;
    HIGH = 3;

  optional CookiePriority priority = 13;

  enum CookieSourceScheme {
    UNSET = 0;
    NON_SECURE = 1;
    SECURE = 2;

  optional CookieSourceScheme source_scheme = 14;

  message SerializedCookiePartitionKey {
    optional string top_level_site = 1;
    optional bool has_cross_site_ancestor = 2;

  optional SerializedCookiePartitionKey partition_key = 15;
  optional int32 source_port = 16;

  enum CookieSourceType {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    HTTP = 1;
    SCRIPT = 2;
    OTHER = 3;

  optional CookieSourceType source_type = 17;