
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.sync.protocol";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package sync_pb;

message DataTypeProgressMarker {
  // An integer identifying the data type whose progress is tracked by this
  // marker.  The legitimate values of this field correspond to the protobuf
  // field numbers of all EntitySpecifics fields supported by the server.
  // These values are externally declared in per-datatype .proto files.
  optional int32 data_type_id = 1;

  // An opaque-to-the-client sequence of bytes that the server may interpret
  // as an indicator of the client's knowledge state.  If this is empty or
  // omitted by the client, it indicates that the client is initiating a
  // a first-time sync of this datatype.  Otherwise, clients must supply a
  // value previously returned by the server in an earlier GetUpdatesResponse.
  // These values are not comparable or generable on the client.
  // The opaque semantics of this field are to afford server implementations
  // some flexibility in implementing progress tracking.  For instance,
  // a server implementation built on top of a distributed storage service --
  // or multiple heterogenous such services -- might need to supply a vector
  // of totally ordered monotonic update timestamps, rather than a single
  // monotonically increasing value.  Other optimizations may also be
  // possible if the server is allowed to embed arbitrary information in
  // the progress token.
  // Server implementations should keep the size of these tokens relatively
  // small, on the order of tens of bytes, and they should remain small
  // regardless of the number of items synchronized.  (A possible bad server
  // implementation would be for progress_token to contain a list of all the
  // items ever sent to the client.  Servers shouldn't do this.)
  optional bytes token = 2;

  reserved 3;
  reserved "timestamp_token_for_migration";

  reserved 4;
  reserved "notification_hint";

  // This field will be included only in GetUpdates with origin GU_TRIGGER.
  optional GetUpdateTriggers get_update_triggers = 5;

  // The garbage collection directive for this data type.  The client should
  // purge items locally based on this directive.  Since this directive is
  // designed to be sent from server only, the client should persist it locally
  // as needed and avoid sending it to the server.
  optional GarbageCollectionDirective gc_directive = 6;

// A single datatype's sync context. Allows the datatype to pass along
// datatype specific information with its own server backend.
message DataTypeContext {
  // The type this context is associated with.
  optional int32 data_type_id = 1;
  // The context for the datatype.
  optional bytes context = 2;
  // The version of the context.
  optional int64 version = 3;

message GarbageCollectionDirective {
  enum Type {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    DEPRECATED_AGE_WATERMARK = 2 [deprecated = true];
    DEPRECATED_MAX_ITEM_COUNT = 3 [deprecated = true];

  // Deprecated in M124. This field is unused because it would be hard to use
  // `active_collaboration_ids`. The client should rely on the presence of the
  // corresponding fields instead.
  optional Type type = 1 [default = UNKNOWN, deprecated = true];

  // This field specifies the watermark for the versions which should get
  // garbage collected.  The client should purge all sync entities when
  // receiving any value of this.  This is a change from previous behavior,
  // where the client would only be required to purge items older than the
  // specified watermark.
  // TODO( Rename this to make clear that whenever it's set,
  // the client will delete ALL data, regardless of its value.
  optional int64 version_watermark = 2;

  reserved 3;
  reserved "age_watermark_in_days";

  reserved 4;
  reserved "max_number_of_items";

  // This field contains a list of active collaboration IDs which are available
  // to the user. The client should stop tracking any shared sync entities with
  // collaborations which are not in the list. Note that if the list is empty,
  // an empty `collaboration_gc` is expected to be provided by the server.
  // Introduced in M124.
  message CollaborationGarbageCollection {
    repeated string active_collaboration_ids = 1;
  optional CollaborationGarbageCollection collaboration_gc = 5;

// This message communicates additional per-type information related to
// requests with origin GU_TRIGGER.  This message is not relevant when any
// other origin value is used.
// Introduced in M29.
message GetUpdateTriggers {
  // An opaque-to-the-client string of bytes, received through a notification,
  // that the server may interpret as a hint about the location of the latest
  // version of the data for this type.
  // Introduced in M29.
  repeated string notification_hint = 1;

  // This flag is set if the client was forced to drop hints because the number
  // of queued hints exceeded its limit.  The oldest hints will be discarded
  // first.  Introduced in M29.
  optional bool client_dropped_hints = 2;

  // This flag is set when the client suspects that its list of invalidation
  // hints may be incomplete.  This may be the case if:
  // - The client is syncing for the first time.
  // - The client has just restarted and it was unable to keep track of
  //   invalidations that were received prior to the restart.
  // - The client's connection to the invalidation server is currently or
  //   was recently broken.
  // It's difficult to provide more details here.  This is implemented by
  // setting the flag to false whenever anything that might adversely affect
  // notifications happens (eg. a crash, restart on a platform that doesn't
  // support invalidation ack-tracking, transient invalidation error) and is
  // unset only after we've experienced one successful sync cycle while
  // notifications were enabled.
  // This flag was introduced in M29.
  optional bool invalidations_out_of_sync = 3;

  // This counts the number of times the syncer has been asked to commit
  // changes for this type since the last successful sync cycle.  The number of
  // nudges may not be related to the actual number of items modified.  It
  // often correlates with the number of user actions, but that's not always
  // the case.
  // Introduced in M29.
  optional int64 local_modification_nudges = 4;

  // This counts the number of times the syncer has been explicitly asked to
  // fetch updates for this type since the last successful sync cycle.  These
  // explicit refresh requests should be relatively rare on most platforms, and
  // associated with user actions.  For example, at the time of this writing
  // the most common (only?) source of refresh requests is when a user opens
  // the new tab page on a platform that does not support sessions
  // invalidations.
  // Introduced in M29.
  optional int64 datatype_refresh_nudges = 5;

  // This flag is set if the invalidation server reports that it may have
  // dropped some invalidations at some point.  Introduced in M33.
  optional bool server_dropped_hints = 6;

  // This flag is set if this GetUpdate request is due at least in part due
  // to the fact that this type has not finished initial sync yet, and the
  // client would like to initialize itself with the server data.
  // Only some types support performing an initial sync as part of a normal
  // GetUpdate request.  Many types must be in configure mode when fetching
  // initial sync data.
  // Introduced in M38.
  optional bool initial_sync_in_progress = 7;

  // This flag is set if this GetUpdate request is due to client receiving
  // conflict response from server, so client needs to sync and then resolve
  // conflict locally, and then commit again.
  // Introduced in M42.
  optional bool sync_for_resolve_conflict_in_progress = 8;