// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// If you change or add any fields in this file, update proto_visitors.h and
// potentially proto_enum_conversions.{h, cc}.
syntax = "proto2";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.sync.protocol";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package sync_pb;
import "components/sync/protocol/data_type_progress_marker.proto";
// Sync proto to store data type global metadata in data type storage.
message DataTypeState {
enum InitialSyncState {
// Default value, typically used when there is no metadata (e.g. because
// Sync is disabled).
// Note: Value "1" is reserved, in case we ever want to introduce an
// Indicates that syncing has started and some, but not all updates from the
// initial download/sync have been delivered. This is only used for data
// types in ApplyUpdatesImmediatelyTypes().
// Indicates that the initial sync (download + merge) has been completed.
// Indicates that no initial sync is necessary, used for CommitOnlyTypes().
// The latest progress markers received from the server.
optional DataTypeProgressMarker progress_marker = 1;
// A data type context. Sent to the server in every commit or update
// request. May be updated by either responses from the server or requests
// made on the model thread. The interpretation of this value may be
// data-type specific. Many data types ignore it.
optional DataTypeContext type_context = 2;
// This value is set if this type's data should be encrypted on the server.
// If this key changes, the client will need to re-commit all of its local
// data to the server using the new encryption key.
optional string encryption_key_name = 3;
// Indicates the status of "initial sync", i.e. whether the first download
// cycle and initial merge are complete.
optional InitialSyncState initial_sync_state = 9;
// A GUID that identifies the committing sync client. It's persisted within
// the sync metadata and should be used to check the integrity of the
// metadata. Mismatches with the guid of the running client indicates invalid
// persisted sync metadata, because cache_guid is reset when sync is disabled,
// and disabling sync is supposed to clear sync metadata.
optional string cache_guid = 5;
// Syncing account ID, representing the user.
optional string authenticated_account_id = 6;
message Invalidation {
// Opaque field, which has to be provided as part of resulting GetUpdates
// back to the server.
optional bytes hint = 1;
// Version of invalidation, used to order incoming invalidations.
optional int64 version = 2;
// The latest unprocessed invalidations received from the server.
// All incoming invalidations are stored in this message and persist until
// they are used in GetUpdate() message.
repeated Invalidation invalidations = 7;
// This is relevant for the passwords datatype. This indicates that the
// initial sync flow (downling all passwords from the server) has been run at
// least once after the password notes features is enabled. It is used to
// enforce redownload of passwords upon upgrading the browser to a version
// that supports password notes if necessary. It is false by default and set
// to true upon downloading passwords to make sure this download is executed
// only once.
optional bool notes_enabled_before_initial_sync_for_passwords = 8;
reserved 4;
reserved "initial_sync_done";