// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Sync protocol datatype extension for nigori keys.
// If you change or add any fields in this file, update proto_visitors.h and
// potentially proto_enum_conversions.{h, cc}.
syntax = "proto2";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.sync.protocol";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package sync_pb;
import "components/sync/protocol/sync_enums.proto";
// Information about a device that is running a sync-enabled Chrome browser. We
// are mapping the per-client cache guid to more specific information about the
// device.
message DeviceInfoSpecifics {
// The cache_guid created to identify a sync client on this device.
optional string cache_guid = 1;
// A non-unique but human readable name to describe this client.
optional string client_name = 2;
// The platform of the device.
// Deprecated in M110, but still populated for backwards compatibility.
// Replaced by os_type + device_form_factor.
optional SyncEnums.DeviceType device_type = 3 [deprecated = true];
// The UserAgent used when contacting the Chrome Sync server.
// Only present when talking to the HTTP server.
optional string sync_user_agent = 4;
// The Chrome instance's version. Updated (if necessary) on every startup.
// DEPRECATED in M92. Still populated for backward compatibility.
optional string chrome_version = 5 [deprecated = true];
// Last time when pre-sync data on the device was saved. The device can be
// restored to state back to this time. In millisecond since UNIX epoch.
optional int64 deprecated_backup_timestamp = 6 [deprecated = true];
// Device_id that is stable until user signs out. This device_id is used for
// annotating login scoped refresh token. Present only for Chrome Clients.
optional string signin_scoped_device_id = 7;
// This field is updated to be the current time periodically, and is also set
// to the current time whenever another field changes. By examining the
// difference between this field and the current time, it should be possible
// to reason about the inactivity of any device that was syncing at one time.
optional int64 last_updated_timestamp = 8;
// Device info fields that are specific to a feature. This is information that
// can not be derived from the other fields in the proto and are not general
// enough to be used by another feature.
optional FeatureSpecificFields feature_fields = 9;
// Device specific information for Sharing feature.
optional SharingSpecificFields sharing_fields = 10;
// Model of device.
optional string model = 11;
// Name of device manufacturer.
optional string manufacturer = 12;
// The interval in minutes with which |last_updated_timestamp| is updated to
// the sync servers if online and while sync is actively running (e.g.
// excludes backgrounded apps on Android). Introduced in M81. The legacy
// default was 1 day.
optional int32 pulse_interval_in_minutes = 13;
// Device specific information for Sync invalidations.
optional InvalidationSpecificFields invalidation_fields = 14;
// Information for contacting this device in order to perform security key
// operations.
optional PhoneAsASecurityKeySpecificFields paask_fields = 15;
// Unique hardware identifier string which details the HW combination of
// a ChromeOS device. This field will be empty on other OS devices.
optional string full_hardware_class = 16;
// Version information to pin-point which client implementation this is.
oneof client_version_info {
ChromeVersionInfo chrome_version_info = 17;
GooglePlayServicesVersionInfo google_play_services_version_info = 18;
// The OS type the device.
optional SyncEnums.OsType os_type = 19;
// The form factor of the device.
optional SyncEnums.DeviceFormFactor device_form_factor = 20;
// Feature specific information about the device that is running a sync-enabled
// Chrome browser. Adding to this proto is discouraged and should only be added
// when the information can not be derived more generally.
message FeatureSpecificFields {
// Tracks whether the SendTabToSelf feature is enabled on the device. For this
// to be true, two things must be true: (1) The receiving side of the feature
// must be enabled on the device (2) The user has enabled sync for this
// feature.
optional bool send_tab_to_self_receiving_enabled = 1;
// Tracks which type of Send Tab To Self message(s) can be sent to the
// receiving device.
// If not set, the in-app message type will be assumed.
optional SyncEnums.SendTabReceivingType send_tab_to_self_receiving_type = 2;
// Tracks the last time this device signed-in with the floating workspace
// feature enabled. As of 07/2024, this feature is only supported on ChromeOS.
optional int64 floating_workspace_last_signin_time_windows_epoch_micros = 3;
// Device specific information for Sharing feature. Used to send end-to-end
// encrypted message through FCM or unencrypted message through Chime to other
// devices.
message SharingSpecificFields {
// FCM registration token of device subscribed using VAPID key.
// TODO(crbug.com/40102247): Deprecate when VAPID migration is over.
optional string vapid_fcm_token = 1;
// Public key for message encryption [RFC8291] using VAPID key.
// TODO(crbug.com/40102247): Deprecate when VAPID migration is over.
optional bytes vapid_p256dh = 2;
// Auth secret for message encryption [RFC8291] using VAPID key.
// TODO(crbug.com/40102247): Deprecate when VAPID migration is over.
optional bytes vapid_auth_secret = 3;
// Enum defining available Sharing features.
enum EnabledFeatures {
reserved 5;
// Supports Click to Call only via VAPID.
// Supports Shared Clipboard only via VAPID.
// Suppots Click to Call via both VAPID and sender ID.
// Suppots Shared Clipboard via both VAPID and sender ID.
// Supports optimization guide push notification.
// A list of enabled Sharing features.
repeated EnabledFeatures enabled_features = 4;
// Deprecated. Use sender_id_fcm_token_v2 for new clients.
optional string sender_id_fcm_token_deprecated = 5 [deprecated = true];
// Deprecated. Use sender_id_p256dh_v2 for new clients.
optional bytes sender_id_p256dh_deprecated = 6 [deprecated = true];
// Deprecated. Use sender_id_auth_secret_v2 for new clients.
optional bytes sender_id_auth_secret_deprecated = 7 [deprecated = true];
// FCM registration token of device subscribed using Sharing sender ID.
optional string sender_id_fcm_token_v2 = 8;
// Public key for message encryption [RFC8291] using Sharing sender ID.
optional bytes sender_id_p256dh_v2 = 9;
// Auth secret for message encryption [RFC8291] using Sharing sender ID.
optional bytes sender_id_auth_secret_v2 = 10;
// Identifier used to send notifications to a specific device in Chime. Added
// in M128.
optional string chime_representative_target_id = 11;
// Device specific information telling how to send invalidations to this device.
message InvalidationSpecificFields {
// FCM registration token of device (using Sync sender ID).
optional string instance_id_token = 1;
// This device wants to receive only invalidations which are related to these
// types. The legitimate values of this field correspond to the protobuf field
// numbers of all EntitySpecifics fields supported by the server (see
// components/sync/protocol/sync.proto).
repeated int32 interested_data_type_ids = 2;
message PhoneAsASecurityKeySpecificFields {
// The encoded tunnel server in the same format as in the BLE advert. See
// device::cablev2::tunnelserver::DecodeDomain. (Actually a uint16 but
// proto doesn't have that as a type.)
optional uint32 tunnel_server_domain = 1;
// An FCM token that can be presented to the tunnel server to contact this
// device.
optional bytes contact_id = 2;
// A shared secret key, used to enable communication across devices via
// unauthenticated channels. Knowledge of this secret acts as proof that the
// remote end is authorized to talk to the device publishing this secret.
optional bytes secret = 3;
// An id that identifies |secret|. This, and |secret|, will be rotated and
// the ID allows this device to know which |secret| the counterparty is
// using.
optional fixed32 id = 4;
// A P-256, X9.62-encoded public key for this device. Specific to the Chrome
// instance.
optional bytes peer_public_key_x962 = 5;
// The credential ID for use when signing into accounts.google.com. This
// credential ID isn't published as a WebauthnCredentialSpecifics, unlike
// other passkeys, because it's auto-generated.
optional bytes google_credential_id = 6;
message ChromeVersionInfo {
// Version number as per https://www.chromium.org/developers/version-numbers.
optional string version_number = 1;
message GooglePlayServicesVersionInfo {
optional string apk_version_name = 1;