
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Sync protocol datatype extension for themes.

// If you change or add any fields in this file, update proto_visitors.h and
// potentially proto_enum_conversions.{h, cc}.

syntax = "proto2";

option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.sync.protocol";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package sync_pb;

// Properties of theme sync objects.
message ThemeSpecifics {
  // Set iff a theme extension exists, in which case, all custom_ fields should
  // be present. This is false for all other theme types (for example,
  // autogenerated or user color theme). If not set, all custom_* fields
  // should be omitted.
  optional bool use_custom_theme = 1;

  // This field is only relevant on platforms that have a distinction between
  // the system theme and the default theme, but other platforms must be careful
  // to pass through the value of this flag.
  // If true, we use the system theme by default (i.e., when we don't use a
  // custom theme) for platforms that make a distinction between the default
  // theme and the system theme. Has no effect if use_custom_theme is true.
  optional bool use_system_theme_by_default = 2;

  // Extension specific fields. Ignored unless `use_custom_theme` is true.
  optional string custom_theme_name = 3;
  optional string custom_theme_id = 4;
  optional string custom_theme_update_url = 5;

  message AutogeneratedTheme {
    // SkColor used to autogenerate theme.
    optional uint32 color = 1;

  message UserColorTheme {
    enum BrowserColorVariant {
      SYSTEM = 1;
      TONAL_SPOT = 2;
      NEUTRAL = 3;
      VIBRANT = 4;
      EXPRESSIVE = 5;
    optional uint32 color = 1;
    optional BrowserColorVariant browser_color_variant = 2;

  message Empty {}

  // The browser-built color theme can be either a GM3 color or an autogenerated
  // theme.
  oneof color {
    // TODO( Rename to AutogeneratedColor.
    AutogeneratedTheme autogenerated_theme = 6;
    UserColorTheme user_color_theme = 7;
    Empty grayscale_theme_enabled = 8;

  enum BrowserColorScheme {
    SYSTEM = 1;
    LIGHT = 2;
    DARK = 3;
  optional BrowserColorScheme browser_color_scheme = 9;

  // Custom NTP background info.
  message NtpCustomBackground {
    // Background image url.
    optional string url = 1;
    // Attribution strings for the image.
    optional string attribution_line_1 = 2;
    optional string attribution_line_2 = 3;
    // Url to learn more info about the image.
    optional string attribution_action_url = 4;
    // Id of the collection being used.
    optional string collection_id = 5;
    // Token to get the next image from collection and avoid duplicates.
    optional string resume_token = 6;
    // Timestamp after which the next image should be fetched from the
    // collection.
    optional int64 refresh_timestamp_unix_epoch_seconds = 7;
    // Main color of the image.
    optional uint32 main_color = 8;
  optional NtpCustomBackground ntp_background = 10;