
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.sync.protocol";

package sync_pb;

// Required in Chrome.
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

// Message for sending between devices in Sharing. Messages defined here should
// be set to the unencrypted_payload field of SharingMessageSpecifics.
message UnencryptedSharingMessage {
  // Identifier of sender.
  optional string sender_guid = 1;

  // Payload of the message, contains one of the messages below.
  oneof payload {
    SendTabToSelfPush send_tab_message = 2;

  // The name of the device sending this message.
  optional string sender_device_name = 3;

message SendTabToSelfPush {
  // Required. Notification title text to display.
  optional string title = 1;

  // Required. Actual body text to display.
  optional string text = 2;

  message Image {
    // Required. URL of this image resource. FIFE hosted URLs are preferred.
    optional string url = 1;

    // Optional. Alternate text to display if the image cannot be found and for
    // accessibility reasons.
    optional string alt_text = 2;

  // Optional. An icon to be displayed alongside the notification, or a series
  // of icons to be put in a collage. If no icon is specified, the frontend
  // will display a generic icon image.
  repeated Image icon = 3;

  // Optional. A small app icon to display in certain notification views. This
  // field can be omitted in favor of using a favicon specified in the
  // chrome_chime client config. If this field is omitted and the client config
  // favicon is unspecified, no icon is displayed.
  optional Image favicon = 4;

  // Required. A URL that will be visited when clicking on this notification.
  optional string destination_url = 5;

  // Placeholder title. Will be used if payload is not properly assembled on
  // receiving device. Will not get encrypted by Chime.
  optional string placeholder_title = 6;

  // Placeholder body. Will be used if payload is not properly assembled on
  // receiving device. Will not get encrypted by Chime.
  optional string placeholder_body = 7;

  // Unique identifier of the associated SendTabToSelfEntry. Will be used to
  // dismiss the entry upon push notification interaction.
  optional string entry_unique_guid = 8;