// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Various user consent types used when reporting consent.
// If you change or add any fields in this file, update proto_visitors.h and
// potentially proto_enum_conversions.{h, cc}.
syntax = "proto2";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.sync.protocol";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package sync_pb;
message UserConsentTypes {
// The status of a particular User Consent. The status describes the state
// of the consent as it is: given, not_given.
enum ConsentStatus {
// The status is unspecified e.g. because the user was not asked to
// consent yet or an error happened or the decision was delayed.
// The consent is not given. This means the user either revoked the
// consent or did not grant it in the first place.
// The consent is given. This means the user did grant the consent.
GIVEN = 2;
// ===========================================================================
// Keep sorted alphabetically.
// Don't forget to update proto_visitors.h and potentially
// proto_enum_conversions.{h, cc}. Never TBR proto changes, because they need
// to be manually imported on the Sync server.
// ===========================================================================
// The user consent for the ARC Backup And Restore feature. The consent
// status is determined by the corresponding setting on the ARC setup dialog.
message ArcBackupAndRestoreConsent {
// Ids of the strings of the setting text presented to the user.
repeated int32 description_grd_ids = 1;
// Id of the string of the UI element the user clicked when consenting.
optional int32 confirmation_grd_id = 2;
optional ConsentStatus status = 3;
// The user consent for the Google Location Service. The consent status is
// determined by the corresponding setting on the ARC setup dialog.
message ArcGoogleLocationServiceConsent {
// Ids of the strings of the setting text presented to the user.
repeated int32 description_grd_ids = 1;
// Id of the string of the UI element the user clicked when consenting.
optional int32 confirmation_grd_id = 2;
optional ConsentStatus status = 3;
// The user consent for the Play terms of service is determined by the user
// action on the ARC setup dialog that presents the Play Terms of Service.
message ArcPlayTermsOfServiceConsent {
// The length of the UTF-8 encoded string of the Play Terms of Service
// text. The length is given in number of bytes.
optional int32 play_terms_of_service_text_length = 1;
// The SHA1 hash of UTF-8 encoded string of the Play Terms of Service
// displayed to the user.
optional bytes play_terms_of_service_hash = 2;
// GRD Ids of the strings on the consent UI that was shown to the user.
repeated int32 description_grd_ids = 5;
// Id of the string of the UI element the user clicked when consenting.
optional int32 confirmation_grd_id = 3;
// The status of the Play Terms of Service consent. This specifies whether
// the consent was given or not given/revoked.
optional ConsentStatus status = 4;
// Enum describing different user flow during which the ARC Play Terms of
// service consent can be recorded.
enum ConsentFlow {
// The ARC setup flow on a CROS device.
SETUP = 1;
// The user flow for changing the ARC setting on a CROS device.
// The user flow during which the consent was recorded. This is necessary in
// order to create the correct UI context and Event for the backend.
optional ConsentFlow consent_flow = 6;
// The User Consent for Chrome Sync is determined by the user action on the
// corresponding Sync Consent dialog.
message SyncConsent {
// Ids of the strings of the sync consent text presented to the user.
repeated int32 description_grd_ids = 1;
// Id of the string of the UI element the user clicked in order to confirm
// and close the sync consent dialog.
optional int32 confirmation_grd_id = 2;
// The status of the sync consent. This specifies whether the consent was
// given or not given/revoked.
optional ConsentStatus status = 3;
// The unified User Consent for Chrome is determined by the user action on the
// corresponding Chrome Consent dialog.
message UnifiedConsent {
// Ids of the strings of the unified Chrome consent text presented to the
// user.
repeated int32 description_grd_ids = 1;
// Id of the string of the UI element the user clicked in order to confirm
// and close the unified Chrome consent dialog.
optional int32 confirmation_grd_id = 2;
// The status of the unified Chrome consent. This specifies whether the
// consent was given or not given/revoked.
optional ConsentStatus status = 3;
// The User Consent for Assistant activity control is determined by the user
// action on the Assistant opt-in flow.
message AssistantActivityControlConsent {
// An opaque token to for ui auditing, which strengthens the audit trail.
optional bytes ui_audit_key = 1;
// The status of the Assistant activity control consent. This specifies
// whether the consent was given or not given.
optional ConsentStatus status = 2;
// Enum denoting different Assistant activity control setting type.
enum SettingType {
// Legacy clients (< M93) did not set a SettingType; for those,
// UNSPECIFIED should be interpreted as ALL. Newer clients should always
// set it explicitly.
// All Settings.
ALL = 1;
// The activity control setting which the consent was given or not given to.
// Clients before M93 did not set this field. Such consents should be
// treated as applying to ALL.
optional SettingType setting_type = 3;
// The User Consent for downloading and using passwords stored in the user's
// Google Account. Determined during the opt-in flow for the feature.
message AccountPasswordsConsent {
// Ids of the strings of the consent text presented to the user.
repeated int32 description_grd_ids = 1;
// Id of the string of the UI element the user clicked in order to confirm
// the consent dialog.
optional int32 confirmation_grd_id = 2;
// The status of the consent. This specifies whether the consent was given
// or not given/revoked.
optional ConsentStatus status = 3;
// The User Consent for enabling or disabling speaker label feature in
// Recorder app.
message RecorderSpeakerLabelConsent {
// Ids of the strings of the Recorder speaker label consent text presented
// to the user.
repeated int32 description_grd_ids = 1;
// Id of the string of the UI element the user clicked in order to give or
// not give the consent and close the Recorder speaker label consent
// dialog.
optional int32 confirmation_grd_id = 2;
// The status of the Recorder speaker label consent. This specifies whether
// the consent was given or not given/revoked.
optional ConsentStatus status = 3;