// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {addWebUiListener} from 'chrome://resources/js/cr.js';
interface LogEntry {
submodule: string;
event: string;
date: Date;
details: object;
textDetails: string;
* Creates a new log object which then immediately starts recording sync
* protocol events. Recorded entries are available in the 'entries'
* property and there is an 'append' event which can be listened to.
class Log extends EventTarget {
/** Must match the value in SyncInternalsMessageHandler::OnProtocolEvent(). */
private protocolEventName_: string = 'onProtocolEvent';
/** The recorded log entries. */
entries: LogEntry[] = [];
constructor() {
addWebUiListener(this.protocolEventName_, (response: object) => {
* Records a single event with the given parameters and fires the
* 'append' event with the newly-created event as the 'detail'
* field of a custom event.
* @param details A dictionary of event-specific details.
private log_(details: object) {
const entry = {
submodule: 'protocol',
event: this.protocolEventName_,
date: new Date(),
details: details,
textDetails: '',
entry.textDetails = JSON.stringify(entry.details, null, 2);
// Fire append event.
const e = new CustomEvent(
'append', {bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: entry});
export const log = new Log();