
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "base/containers/enum_set.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/keyed_service/core/keyed_service.h"
#include "components/sync/base/data_type.h"
#include "components/sync/service/sync_service_observer.h"

#include "base/android/scoped_java_ref.h"

struct CoreAccountInfo;
class GoogleServiceAuthError;
class GURL;

namespace syncer {

struct LocalDataDescription;
class ProtocolEventObserver;
class SyncCycleSnapshot;
struct TypeEntitiesCount;
struct SyncTokenStatus;
class SyncUserSettings;
struct SyncStatus;

// UIs that need to prevent Sync startup should hold an instance of this class
// until the user has finished modifying sync settings. This is not an inner
// class of SyncService to enable forward declarations.
class SyncSetupInProgressHandle {};

// SyncService is the layer between browser subsystems like bookmarks and the
// sync engine. Each subsystem is logically thought of as being a sync datatype.
// Individual datatypes can, at any point, be in a variety of stages of being
// "enabled". Here are some specific terms for concepts used in this class:
//   'Registered' (feature suppression for a datatype)
//      When a datatype is registered, the user has the option of syncing it.
//      The sync opt-in UI will show only registered types; a checkbox should
//      never be shown for an unregistered type, nor can it ever be synced.
//   'Preferred' (user preferences and opt-out for a datatype)
//      This means the user's opt-in or opt-out preference on a per-datatype
//      basis. The sync service will try to make active exactly these types.
//      If a user has opted out of syncing a particular datatype, it will
//      be registered, but not preferred. Also note that not all datatypes can
//      be directly chosen by the user: e.g. AUTOFILL_PROFILE is implied by
//      AUTOFILL but can't be selected separately. If AUTOFILL is chosen by the
//      user, then AUTOFILL_PROFILE will also be considered preferred. See
//      SyncPrefs::ResolvePrefGroups.
//      This state is controlled by SyncUserSettings::SetSelectedTypes. They
//      are stored in the preferences system and persist; though if a datatype
//      is not registered, it cannot be a preferred datatype.
//   'Active' (run-time initialization of sync system for a datatype)
//      An active datatype is a preferred datatype that is actively being
//      synchronized: the syncer has been instructed to querying the server
//      for this datatype, first-time merges have finished, and there is an
//      actively installed ChangeProcessor that listens for changes to this
//      datatype, propagating such changes into and out of the sync engine
//      as necessary.
//      When a datatype is in the process of becoming active, it may be
//      in some intermediate state. Those finer-grained intermediate states
//      are differentiated by the DataTypeController state, but not exposed.
// Sync Configuration:
//   Sync configuration is accomplished via SyncUserSettings, in particular:
//    * SetSelectedTypes(): Set the data types the user wants to sync.
//    * SetDecryptionPassphrase(): Attempt to decrypt the user's encrypted data
//        using the passed passphrase.
//    * SetEncryptionPassphrase(): Re-encrypt the user's data using the passed
//        passphrase.
// Initial sync setup:
//   For privacy reasons, it is usually desirable to avoid syncing any data
//   types until the user has finished setting up sync. There are two APIs
//   that control the initial sync download:
//    * SyncUserSettings::SetInitialSyncFeatureSetupComplete()
//    * GetSetupInProgressHandle()
//   SetInitialSyncFeatureSetupComplete() should be called once the user has
//   finished setting up sync at least once on their account.
//   GetSetupInProgressHandle() should be called while the user is actively
//   configuring their account. The handle should be deleted once configuration
//   is complete.
//   Once first setup has completed and there are no outstanding
//   setup-in-progress handles, datatype configuration will begin.
class SyncService : public KeyedService {};

}  // namespace syncer