
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/sync_bookmarks/parent_guid_preprocessing.h"

#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>

#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/uuid.h"
#include "components/bookmarks/browser/bookmark_node.h"
#include "components/bookmarks/browser/bookmark_uuids.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/bookmark_specifics.pb.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/data_type_state.pb.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/entity_specifics.pb.h"
#include "components/sync_bookmarks/synced_bookmark_tracker.h"
#include "components/sync_bookmarks/synced_bookmark_tracker_entity.h"

namespace sync_bookmarks {

namespace {

// The tag used in the sync protocol to identity well-known permanent folders.
const char kBookmarkBarTag[] =;
const char kMobileBookmarksTag[] =;
const char kOtherBookmarksTag[] =;

// Fake GUID used to populate field |BookmarkSpecifics.parent_guid| for the case
// where a parent is specified in |SyncEntity.parent_id| but the parent's
// precise GUID could not be determined. Doing this is mostly relevant for UMA
// metrics. The precise GUID used in this string was generated using the same
// technique as the well-known GUIDs in bookmarks::BookmarkNode, using the name
// "unknown_parent_guid". The precise value is irrelevant though and can be
// changed since all updates using the parent GUID will be ignored in practice.
const char kInvalidParentGuid[] =;

bool NeedsParentGuidInSpecifics(const syncer::UpdateResponseData& update) {}

// Tried to use the information known by |tracker| to determine the GUID of the
// parent folder, for the entity updated in |update|. Returns an invalid GUID
// if the GUID could not be determined. |tracker| must not be null.
base::Uuid TryGetParentGuidFromTracker(
    const SyncedBookmarkTracker* tracker,
    const syncer::UpdateResponseData& update) {}

std::string_view GetGuidForEntity(const syncer::EntityData& entity) {}

// Map from sync IDs (server-provided entity IDs) to GUIDs. The
// returned map uses std::string_view that rely on the lifetime of the strings
// in |updates|. |updates| must not be null.
class LazySyncIdToGuidMapInUpdates {};

base::Uuid GetParentGuidForUpdate(
    const syncer::UpdateResponseData& update,
    const SyncedBookmarkTracker* tracker,
    LazySyncIdToGuidMapInUpdates* sync_id_to_guid_map_in_updates) {}

// Same as PopulateParentGuidInSpecifics(), but |tracker| must not be null.
void PopulateParentGuidInSpecificsWithTracker(
    const SyncedBookmarkTracker* tracker,
    syncer::UpdateResponseDataList* updates) {}

}  // namespace

void PopulateParentGuidInSpecifics(const SyncedBookmarkTracker* tracker,
                                   syncer::UpdateResponseDataList* updates) {}

std::string GetGuidForSyncIdInUpdatesForTesting(  // IN-TEST
    const syncer::UpdateResponseDataList& updates,
    const std::string& sync_id) {}

}  // namespace sync_bookmarks