
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module system_media_controls.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "services/media_session/public/mojom/media_session.mojom";

// Defines Mojo interfaces for interacting with system media controls on macOS.
// Facilitates communication between the browser process and a
// SystemMediaControlsBridge. The bridge can be either in-process or
// out-of-process (within an app shim).

// Enum for relaying the current state of media playback.
enum PlaybackStatus {
  kPlaying, kPaused, kStopped,

// Enables the browser process to control the system media controls UI on macOS.
interface SystemMediaControls {
  // Enables or disables the "next" command.
  SetIsNextEnabled(bool enabled);

  // Enables or disables the "previous" command.
  SetIsPreviousEnabled(bool enabled);

  // Enables or disables the "play/pause" command.
  SetIsPlayPauseEnabled(bool enabled);

  // Enables or disables the "stop" command.
  SetIsStopEnabled(bool enabled);

  // Enables or disables the seek functionality.
  SetIsSeekToEnabled(bool enabled);

  // Updates the current playback status displayed.
  SetPlaybackStatus(PlaybackStatus status);

  // Sets the title of the currently playing media.
  SetTitle(mojo_base.mojom.String16 title);

  // Sets the artist of the currently playing media.
  SetArtist(mojo_base.mojom.String16 artist);

  // Sets the album of the currently playing media.
  SetAlbum(mojo_base.mojom.String16 album);

  // Sets the thumbnail image displayed.
  SetThumbnail(media_session.mojom.MediaImageBitmap thumbnail);

  // Updates the current playback position.
  SetPosition(media_session.mojom.MediaPosition position);

  // Clears all previously set metadata and state from the system media controls.

// Enables the browser process to observe user initiated events from macOS's
// system media controls UI.
interface SystemMediaControlsObserver {
  // Indicates that the user triggered the "next" command.

  // Indicates that the user triggered the "previous" command.

  // Indicates that the user triggered the "pause" command.

  // Indicates that the user triggered the "play/pause" command.

  // Indicates that the user triggered the "stop" command.

  // Indicates that the user triggered the "play" command.

  // Indicates that the user initiated a seek operation to a specific time.
  OnSeekTo(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta seek_time);

  // (For testing purposes) Notifies the browser that the bridge has been established.

  // (For testing purposes) Notifies the browser that the bridge has cleared its
  // now playing info.