// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "components/remote_cocoa/browser/application_host.h"
#include "components/remote_cocoa/common/application.mojom.h"
#include "components/system_media_controls/mac/now_playing_info_center_delegate.h"
#include "components/system_media_controls/mac/remote_cocoa/system_media_controls.mojom.h"
#include "components/system_media_controls/mac/remote_command_center_delegate.h"
#include "components/system_media_controls/system_media_controls.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote.h"
namespace media_session {
struct MediaPosition;
} // namespace media_session
class SkBitmap;
namespace system_media_controls {
class SystemMediaControlsBridge;
class SystemMediaControlsObserver;
namespace internal {
// Interfaces with Mac OS's MPNowPlayingInfoCenter and related MediaPlayer API.
// The combination of those two form the full SystemMediaControls API.
class SystemMediaControlsMac
: public system_media_controls::SystemMediaControls,
public mojom::SystemMediaControlsObserver,
public remote_cocoa::ApplicationHost::Observer {
explicit SystemMediaControlsMac(
remote_cocoa::ApplicationHost* application_host);
SystemMediaControlsMac(const SystemMediaControlsMac&) = delete;
SystemMediaControlsMac& operator=(const SystemMediaControlsMac&) = delete;
~SystemMediaControlsMac() override;
// system_media_controls::SystemMediaControls implementation.
void AddObserver(
system_media_controls::SystemMediaControlsObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(
system_media_controls::SystemMediaControlsObserver* observer) override;
void SetEnabled(bool enabled) override {}
void SetIsNextEnabled(bool value) override;
void SetIsPreviousEnabled(bool value) override;
void SetIsPlayPauseEnabled(bool value) override;
void SetIsStopEnabled(bool value) override;
void SetIsSeekToEnabled(bool value) override;
void SetPlaybackStatus(PlaybackStatus status) override;
void SetTitle(const std::u16string& title) override;
void SetArtist(const std::u16string& artist) override;
void SetAlbum(const std::u16string& album) override;
void SetThumbnail(const SkBitmap& bitmap) override;
void SetPosition(const media_session::MediaPosition& position) override;
void ClearThumbnail() override {}
void ClearMetadata() override;
void UpdateDisplay() override {}
bool GetVisibilityForTesting() const override;
void SetOnBridgeCreatedCallbackForTesting(
base::RepeatingCallback<void()>) override;
// system_media_controls::mojom::SystemMediaControlsObserver:
// Uses bridge_receiver_ to receive messages from AppShim.
// Also notifies everyone in `observers_`
void OnNext() override;
void OnPrevious() override;
void OnPause() override;
void OnPlayPause() override;
void OnStop() override;
void OnPlay() override;
void OnSeekTo(base::TimeDelta seek_time) override;
void OnBridgeCreatedForTesting() override;
void OnMetadataClearedForTesting() override;
// remote_cocoa::ApplicationHost::Observer:
void OnApplicationHostDestroying(
remote_cocoa::ApplicationHost* host) override;
// If needed, rebinds `bridge_remote_` and `bridge_receiver_` to the correct
// out of process SystemMediaControlsBridge. This is needed because there can
// be multiple of the same PWA open/playing audio, and each has its own
// SystemMediaControlsMac. However, there is only one app shim process,
// meaning only one out of process SystemMediaControlsBridge.
// When the user switches between the duplicated PWAs, we need to rebind
// the SystemMediaControlsBridge to the correct SystemMediaControlsMac.
// In the case that this function rebinds, it first makes a ClearMetadata
// call to ensure that there's no mixing of metadata across the different
// mojo connections.
void MaybeRebindToBridge();
// The Application that `this` is connected to in the app shim.
raw_ptr<remote_cocoa::ApplicationHost> application_host_;
// Receives updates from macOS via a SystemMediaControlsBridge.
mojo::Receiver<mojom::SystemMediaControlsObserver> bridge_receiver_{this};
// Sends information and updates to macOS via a SystemMediaControlsBridge.
mojo::Remote<mojom::SystemMediaControls> bridge_remote_;
// The above Remote/Receiver will speak to `in_proc_bridge_` for the browser's
// system media controls connection.
std::unique_ptr<SystemMediaControlsBridge> in_proc_bridge_;
// People who need to know when macOS did something -
// MediaKeysListenerManagerImpl mainly.
// True if we've received OnApplicationHostDestroying. Prevents a crash
// when you cmd+Q quit a PWA.
bool is_app_shim_closing_ = false;
// Notifies tests upon successful creation of a SystemMediaControlsBridge.
base::RepeatingCallback<void()> on_bridge_created_callback_for_testing_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace system_media_controls