This extension generates Python scripts for testing form classifier in Chrome.
0. Set the list of sites to be visited in "sites_to_visit.js" and the value of
IS_PWD_CREATION_VALUE in "background.js".
1. Install the extension into Chrome as an unpacked extension on
chrome://extensions (don't forget to turn on "Developer mode" on this page).
2. Open background page. Open the Console in Developer tools on the
background page.
3. Back to the main window and click on the extension icon that is on the right
from the address bar. The extension will get the first site.
4. Click on page elements to go to the sigin/signup form. If some element
appears after hovering over another element, click on the latter. The extenstion
logs only clicks, but not mouse movement.
5. Click on the password field. The extension will output a Python test for the
current site and will get the next site.
6. Repeat steps 4-5 till all sites have been visited.
7. You can output the tests for all sites you visited, if you print the value
of the variable "allTests" in background page's console.
8. Copy the generated code into the source code of the form classifier tests
You might also visit arbitrary sites. Just go to a site, reach the form and
put focus into password field. The backgound page will output a Python test to
the console, but then the extension will get to the next unvisited site.
See this video for more info: