
      The favicon resource load is at race with the page load event. Specify a
      data URI as the source of the icon, so that the load is not evaluated by
      the subresource filter. This prevent flakiness in tests that verify, at
      page load completion time, that the correct number of evaluated loads
      have been recorded into histograms.
    <link rel="icon" href="data:image/png;base64,">
    <script type="text/javascript">
       function insertFrameWithScriptAndNotify() {
         var frame = document.createElement("iframe"); = "dynamic";
         frame.src = "frame_with_included_script.html";
         return new Promise(resolve => {
          frame.onload = () => resolve(true)
          frame.onerror = () => resolve(false)
    <iframe name="one" src="frame_with_included_script.html"></iframe>
    <iframe name="two" src="frame_with_allowed_script.html"></iframe>
    <iframe name="three" src="frame_with_included_script.html"></iframe>
    <iframe name="four" src="frame_with_no_subresources.html"></iframe>
    <iframe name="five" src="frame_with_delayed_script.html"></iframe>