<iframe name="blank" src="about:blank"></iframe>
<iframe name="js" src="javascript:'<script src=included_script.js></script>'"></iframe>
<iframe name="srcdoc" srcdoc="<script src='included_script.js'></script>"></iframe>
// Inject content into the blank frames.
let blankFrame = document.getElementsByName("blank")[0];
let script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = "included_script.js";
// Add a grandchild and add content to the grandchild frame.
let grandChild = document.createElement("iframe");
grandChild.name = "grandChild";
grandChild.src = "frame_with_included_script.html";
// Add a frame with a data URL, making sure it loads a script pointing to
// the right host and port.
let dataFrame = document.createElement('iframe');
dataFrame.name = "data";
let scriptPath = location.pathname.split("/");
scriptPath[scriptPath.length - 1] = "included_script.js";
scriptPath = scriptPath.join("/");
let url = new URL(location.href);
url.pathname = scriptPath;
dataFrame.src = "data:text/html,<script src='" + url + "'><\/script>";