
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string_view>

#include "build/build_config.h"

#if BUILDFLAG(IS_POSIX)  // the current allocation mechanism (mmap) and TLS
                         // support (pthread) are both defined by POSIX

#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>

#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "partition_alloc/partition_alloc_constants.h"

#include <pthread.h>

#if HAS_FEATURE(thread_sanitizer)

#define STR_HELPER
#define STR

// Verify that a condition holds and cancel the process in case it doesn't. The
// functionality is similar to RAW_CHECK but includes more information in the
// logged messages. It is non allocating to prevent recursions.


namespace base::debug {
struct CrashKeyString;

namespace base::allocator::dispatcher {
namespace internal {

// Allocate memory using POSIX' mmap and unmap functionality. The allocator
// implements the allocator interface required by ThreadLocalStorage.
struct BASE_EXPORT MMapAllocator {};

// The allocator used by default for the thread local storage.


// The TLS system used by default for the thread local storage. It stores and
// retrieves thread specific data pointers.
class BASE_EXPORT PThreadTLSSystem {};


// In some scenarios, most notably when testing, the allocator and TLS system
// passed to |ThreadLocalStorage| are not copyable and have to be wrapped, i.e.
// using std::reference_wrapper. |dereference| is a small helper to retrieve the
// underlying value.
template <typename T>
T& dereference(T& ref) {}

template <typename T>
T& dereference(std::reference_wrapper<T>& ref) {}

// Store thread local data. The data is organized in chunks, where each chunk
// holds |ItemsPerChunk|. Each item may be free or used.
// When a thread requests data, the chunks are searched for a free data item,
// which is registered for this thread and marked as |used|. Further requests by
// this thread will then always return the same item. When a thread terminates,
// the item will be reset and return to the pool of free items.
// Upon construction, the first chunk is created. If a thread requests data and
// there is no free item available, another chunk is created. Upon destruction,
// all memory is freed. Pointers to data items become invalid!
// Constructor and destructor are not thread safe.
// @tparam PayloadType The item type to be stored.
// @tparam AllocatorType The allocator being used. An allocator must provide
// the following interface:
//  void* AllocateMemory(size_t size_in_bytes); // Allocate size_in_bytes bytes
//  of raw memory.
//  void FreeMemory(void* pointer_to_allocated, size_t size_in_bytes); // Free
//  the raw memory pointed to by pointer_to_allocated.
// Any failure in allocation or free must terminate the process.
// @tparam TLSSystemType The TLS system being used. A TLS system must provide
// the following interface:
//  bool Setup(OnThreadTerminationFunction thread_termination_function);
//  bool Destroy();
//  void* GetThreadSpecificData();
//  bool SetThreadSpecificData(void* data);
// @tparam AllocationChunkSize The minimum size of a memory chunk that the
// allocator can handle. We try to size the chunks so that each chunk uses this
// size to the maximum.
// @tparam IsDestructibleForTesting For testing purposes we allow the destructor
// to perform clean up upon destruction. Otherwise, using the destructor will
// result in a compilation failure.
template <typename PayloadType,
          typename AllocatorType,
          typename TLSSystemType,
          size_t AllocationChunkSize,
          bool IsDestructibleForTesting>
struct ThreadLocalStorage {};

}  // namespace internal

// The ThreadLocalStorage visible to the user. This uses the internal default
// allocator and TLS system.

}  // namespace base::allocator::dispatcher

#undef STR