
# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

# By definition, PartitionAlloc standalone builds outside of chromium.
build_with_chromium = false

# This is the default build configuration when building PartitionAlloc
# as a standalone library.
# If embedders want to use PartitionAlloc, they need to create their own
# //build_overrides/partition_alloc.gni and define their own PartitionAlloc
# configuration.
use_partition_alloc_as_malloc_default = false
use_allocator_shim_default = false
enable_backup_ref_ptr_support_default = false
enable_backup_ref_ptr_slow_checks_default = false
enable_dangling_raw_ptr_checks_default = false

# This is the default build configuration for pointers/raw_ptr*.
raw_ptr_zero_on_construct_default = true
raw_ptr_zero_on_move_default = true
raw_ptr_zero_on_destruct_default = false

# PartitionAlloc needs to support cpp17 for standalone builds, as long as Skia
# supports it.
assert_cpp20_default = false