syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package tpcd.metadata;
// MetadataEntry holds a pair of primary and secondary url patterns.
message MetadataEntry {
// primary_pattern_spec represents the pattern specifications to match against
// third-party contexts url.
optional string primary_pattern_spec = 1;
// secondary_pattern_spec represents the pattern specifications to match
// against first-party contexts url.
optional string secondary_pattern_spec = 2;
// The origination of these patterns pair.
optional string source = 7;
// Deprecation Trial Rollout Percentage (DTRP) is expected to be applicable to
// `MetadataEntry`s with `Source::SOURCE_1P_DT` and `Source::SOURCE_3P_DT`
// (Design Doc: go/sgac):
optional uint32 dtrp = 10;
// This DTRP attribute will hold the DTRP value that if set overrides `dtrp`.
optional uint32 dtrp_override = 11;
// Metadata holds a list of url patterns pair aka `MetadataEntry`.
message Metadata {
repeated MetadataEntry metadata_entries = 1;