
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/trusted_vault/download_keys_response_handler.h"

#include <vector>

#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "components/trusted_vault/proto/vault.pb.h"
#include "components/trusted_vault/proto_string_bytes_conversion.h"
#include "components/trusted_vault/securebox.h"
#include "components/trusted_vault/trusted_vault_connection.h"
#include "components/trusted_vault/trusted_vault_crypto.h"
#include "components/trusted_vault/trusted_vault_server_constants.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

namespace trusted_vault {

namespace {


const char kEncodedPrivateKey[] =;

std::unique_ptr<SecureBoxKeyPair> MakeTestKeyPair() {}

void AddSecurityDomainMembership(
    const std::string security_domain_path,
    const SecureBoxPublicKey& member_public_key,
    const std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>>& trusted_vault_keys,
    const std::vector<int>& trusted_vault_keys_versions,
    const std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>>& signing_keys,
    trusted_vault_pb::SecurityDomainMember* member) {}

std::string CreateGetSecurityDomainMemberResponseWithSyncMembership(
    const std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>>& trusted_vault_keys,
    const std::vector<int>& trusted_vault_keys_versions,
    const std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>>& signing_keys) {}

class DownloadKeysResponseHandlerTest : public testing::Test {};

// All HttpStatuses except kSuccess should end up in kOtherError, kNetworkError
// or kMemberNotFound reporting.
TEST_F(DownloadKeysResponseHandlerTest, ShouldHandleHttpErrors) {}

// Simplest legitimate case of key rotation, server side state corresponds to
// kKnownTrustedVaultKey -> kTrustedVaultKey1 key chain.
TEST_F(DownloadKeysResponseHandlerTest, ShouldHandleSingleKeyRotation) {}

// Multiple key rotations may happen while client is offline, server-side key
// chain is kKnownTrustedVaultKey -> kTrustedVaultKey1 -> kTrustedVaultKey2.
TEST_F(DownloadKeysResponseHandlerTest, ShouldHandleMultipleKeyRotations) {}

// Server can already clean-up kKnownTrustedVaultKey, but it might still be
// possible to validate the key-chain.
// Full key chain is: kKnownTrustedVaultKey -> kTrustedVaultKey1 ->
// kTrustedVaultKey2.
// Server-side key chain is: kTrustedVaultKey1 -> kTrustedVaultKey2.
       ShouldHandleAbsenseOfKnownKeyWhenKeyChainIsRecoverable) {}

// Server can already clean-up kKnownTrustedVaultKey and the following key. In
// this case client state is not sufficient to silently download keys and
// kKeyProofsVerificationFailed should be reported.
// Possible full key chain is: kKnownTrustedVaultKey -> kTrustedVaultKey1 ->
// kTrustedVaultKey2 -> kTrustedVaultKey3.
// Server side key chain is: kTrustedVaultKey2 -> kTrustedVaultKey3.
       ShouldHandleAbsenseOfKnownKeyWhenKeyChainIsNotRecoverable) {}

// The test populates undecryptable/corrupted |wrapped_key| field, handler
// should return kMembershipCorrupted to allow client to restore the member by
// re-registration.
TEST_F(DownloadKeysResponseHandlerTest, ShouldHandleUndecryptableKey) {}

// The test populates invalid |rotation_proof| field for the single key
// rotation. kTrustedVaultKey1 is expected to be signed with
// kKnownTrustedVaultKey, but instead it's signed with kTrustedVaultKey2.
       ShouldHandleInvalidKeyProofOnSingleKeyRotation) {}

// The test populates invalid |rotation_proof| field for intermediate key when
// multiple key rotations have happened.
// kTrustedVaultKey1 is expected to be signed with kKnownTrustedVaultKey, but
// instead it's signed with kTrustedVaultKey2.
       ShouldHandleInvalidKeyProofOnMultipleKeyRotations) {}

// In this scenario client already has most recent trusted vault key.
TEST_F(DownloadKeysResponseHandlerTest, ShouldHandleAbsenseOfNewKeys) {}

// Tests handling the situation, when response isn't a valid serialized
// SecurityDomainMemberProto proto.
TEST_F(DownloadKeysResponseHandlerTest, ShouldHandleCorruptedResponseProto) {}

// Client expects that the sync security domain membership exists, but the
// response indicates it doesn't by having no memberships.
TEST_F(DownloadKeysResponseHandlerTest, ShouldHandleAbsenseOfMemberships) {}

// Same as above, but there is a different security domain membership.
TEST_F(DownloadKeysResponseHandlerTest, ShouldHandleAbsenseOfSyncMembership) {}

TEST_F(DownloadKeysResponseHandlerTest, ShouldHandleEmptyMembership) {}

TEST_F(DownloadKeysResponseHandlerTest, ShouldHandleAllSecurityDomains) {}

// Tests handling presence of other security domain memberships.
TEST_F(DownloadKeysResponseHandlerTest, ShouldHandleMultipleSecurityDomains) {}

}  // namespace

}  // namespace trusted_vault