
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/barrier_closure.h"
#include "base/check_deref.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/functional/bind.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/task/task_traits.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool.h"
#include "base/test/bind.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_path_override.h"
#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/crx_file/crx_verifier.h"
#include "components/prefs/testing_pref_service.h"
#include "components/services/unzip/in_process_unzipper.h"
#include "components/update_client/activity_data_service.h"
#include "components/update_client/crx_downloader_factory.h"
#include "components/update_client/crx_update_item.h"
#include "components/update_client/network.h"
#include "components/update_client/patcher.h"
#include "components/update_client/persisted_data.h"
#include "components/update_client/ping_manager.h"
#include "components/update_client/protocol_definition.h"
#include "components/update_client/protocol_handler.h"
#include "components/update_client/test_configurator.h"
#include "components/update_client/test_installer.h"
#include "components/update_client/test_utils.h"
#include "components/update_client/unpacker.h"
#include "components/update_client/unzip/unzip_impl.h"
#include "components/update_client/unzipper.h"
#include "components/update_client/update_checker.h"
#include "components/update_client/update_client_errors.h"
#include "components/update_client/update_client_internal.h"
#include "components/update_client/update_engine.h"
#include "components/update_client/utils.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"

namespace update_client {
namespace {

// Makes stateful mock instances for callbacks in tests. These are callback
// mocks that retain state between successive invocations of the callback.
template <typename Mock>
auto MakeMockCallback() {}

// Makes factories for creating update checker instances. `UpdateClient` uses
// the factory to make one update client checker for each update check. This
// factory of factories counts instances of update checkers made.
template <typename MockUpdateChecker>
class MockUpdateCheckerFactory {};

// Makes a copy of the file specified by |from_path| in a temporary directory
// and returns the path of the copy. Returns true if successful. Cleans up if
// there was an error creating the copy.
bool MakeTestFile(const base::FilePath& from_path, base::FilePath* to_path) {}


class MockObserver : public UpdateClient::Observer {};

class MockActionHandler : public ActionHandler {};

class MockCrxStateChangeReceiver
    : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<MockCrxStateChangeReceiver> {};

class MockCrxDownloaderFactory : public CrxDownloaderFactory {};

}  // namespace


class MockPingManagerImpl : public PingManager {};

MockPingManagerImpl::MockPingManagerImpl(scoped_refptr<Configurator> config)

MockPingManagerImpl::~MockPingManagerImpl() = default;

void MockPingManagerImpl::SendPing(const Component& component,
                                   const PersistedData& metadata,
                                   Callback callback) {}

const std::vector<MockPingManagerImpl::PingData>&
MockPingManagerImpl::ping_data() const {}

const std::vector<base::Value::Dict>& MockPingManagerImpl::events() const {}

class UpdateClientTest : public testing::Test {};

UpdateClientTest::UpdateClientTest() {}

void UpdateClientTest::RunThreads() {}

// Tests the scenario where one update check is done for one CRX. The CRX
// has no update.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, OneCrxNoUpdate) {}

// Tests the scenario where two CRXs are checked for updates. On CRX has
// an update, the other CRX does not.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, TwoCrxUpdateNoUpdate) {}

// Tests the scenario where two CRXs are checked for updates. One CRX has
// an update but the server ignores the second CRX and returns no response for
// it. The second component gets an |UPDATE_RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND| error and
// transitions to the error state.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, TwoCrxUpdateFirstServerIgnoresSecond) {}

// Tests the update check for two CRXs scenario when the second CRX does not
// provide a CrxComponent instance. In this case, the update is handled as
// if only one component were provided as an argument to the |Update| call
// with the exception that the second component still fires an event such as
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, TwoCrxUpdateNoCrxComponentData) {}

// Tests the update check for two CRXs scenario when no CrxComponent data is
// provided for either component. In this case, no update check occurs, and
// |COMPONENT_UPDATE_ERROR| event fires for both components.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, TwoCrxUpdateNoCrxComponentDataAtAll) {}

// Tests the scenario where there is a download timeout for the first
// CRX. The update for the first CRX fails. The update client waits before
// attempting the update for the second CRX. This update succeeds.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, TwoCrxUpdateDownloadTimeout) {}

// Tests the differential update scenario for one CRX. Tests install progress
// for differential and full updates.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, OneCrxDiffUpdate) {}

// Tests the update scenario for one CRX where the CRX installer returns
// an error. Tests that the |unpack_path| argument refers to a valid path
// then |Install| is called, then tests that the |unpack| path is deleted
// by the |update_client| code before the test ends.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, OneCrxInstallError) {}

// Tests the fallback from differential to full update scenario for one CRX.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, OneCrxDiffUpdateFailsFullUpdateSucceeds) {}

// Tests the fallback from differential to full update due to CRX missing from
// the cache scenario for one CRX.
       OneCrxDiffDownloadSkippedMissingCachedCrxFullUpdateSucceeds) {}

// Tests the queuing of update checks. In this scenario, two update checks are
// done for one CRX. The second update check call is queued up and will run
// after the first check has completed. The CRX has no updates.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, OneCrxNoUpdateQueuedCall) {}

// Tests the install of one CRX. Tests the installer is invoked with the
// run and arguments values of the manifest object. Tests that "pv" and "fp"
// are persisted.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, OneCrxInstall) {}

// Tests the install of one CRX when no component data is provided. This
// results in an install error.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, OneCrxInstallNoCrxComponentData) {}

// Tests that overlapping installs of the same CRX result in an error.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, ConcurrentInstallSameCRX) {}

// Tests that UpdateClient::Update returns Error::INVALID_ARGUMENT when
// the |ids| parameter is empty.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, EmptyIdList) {}

TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, DiskFull) {}

TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, DiskFullDiff) {}

struct SendPingTestCase {};

class SendPingTest : public ::testing::WithParamInterface<SendPingTestCase>,
                     public UpdateClientTest {};


TEST_P(SendPingTest, TestCases) {}

TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, RetryAfter) {}

// Tests the update check for two CRXs scenario. The first component supports
// the group policy to enable updates, and has its updates disabled. The second
// component has an update. The server does not honor the "updatedisabled"
// attribute and returns updates for both components. However, the update for
// the first component is not applied and the client responds with a
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, TwoCrxUpdateOneUpdateDisabled) {}

// Tests all ping back events have the correct errorcode and extracode1 set in
// the case of a failed download with a valid http status code
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, OneCrxUpdateDownloadTimeout) {}

// Tests the scenario where the update check fails.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, OneCrxUpdateCheckFails) {}

// Tests the scenario where the server responds with different values for
// application status.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, OneCrxErrorUnknownApp) {}

// Tests that a run action in invoked in the CRX install scenario.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, ActionRun_Install) {}

// Tests that a run action is invoked in an update scenario when there was
// no update.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, ActionRun_NoUpdate) {}

// Tests that custom response attributes are visible to observers.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, CustomAttributeNoUpdate) {}

// Tests the scenario where `CrxDataCallback` returns a vector whose elements
// don't include a value for one of the component ids specified by the `ids`
// parameter of the `UpdateClient::Update` function. Expects the completion
// callback to include a specific error, and no other events and pings be
// generated, since the update engine rejects the UpdateClient::Update call.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, BadCrxDataCallback) {}

// Tests cancellation of an install before the task is run.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, CancelInstallBeforeTaskStart) {}

// Tests cancellation of an install before the component installer runs.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, CancelInstallBeforeInstall) {}

// Tests cancellation of an install before the download.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, CancelInstallBeforeDownload) {}

TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, CheckForUpdate_NoUpdate) {}

TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, CheckForUpdate_UpdateAvailable) {}

TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, CheckForUpdate_QueueChecks) {}

TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, CheckForUpdate_Stop) {}

TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, CheckForUpdate_Errors) {}

// Tests `CheckForUpdate` when the updates are disabled but the server ignores
// "updatedisabled" attribute and returns on update. In this case, the client
// reports an error (SERVICE_ERROR, UPDATE_DISABLED) and pings.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, UpdateCheck_UpdateDisabled) {}

// Tests the cached update scenario for one CRX to validate that the file is
// cached if an install error occurs and re-used when the update is retried.
TEST_F(UpdateClientTest, OneCrxCachedUpdate) {}

}  // namespace update_client