# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file is generated by
# components/url_formatter/spoof_checks/make_top_domain_skeletons.cc
# This list contains top bucket domains followed by the remaining domains.
# These are separated by ###END_TOP_BUCKET### line.
# For the top bucket domains, each row has three columns: full skeleton,
# skeleton without label separators (e.g. '.' and '-'), and the domain itself.
# For the remaining domains, each row has two columns: full skeleton and the
# domain itself.
# Each entry is the skeleton of a top domain for the confusability check
# in components/url_formatter/url_formatter.cc.
google.corn, googlecorn, google.com
blogspot.corn, blogspotcorn, blogspot.com
apple.corn, applecorn, apple.com
ask.corn, askcorn, ask.com
youtube.corn, youtubecorn, youtube.com
google.rs, googlers, google.rs
google.corn.tr, googlecorntr, google.com.tr
acadernia.edu, acaderniaedu, academia.edu
acadernic.ru, acadernicru, academic.ru
google.co.uk, googlecouk, google.co.uk
office.corn, officecorn, office.com
google.sk, google.sk