// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.variations;
import org.jni_zero.NativeMethods;
* Bridge used by {@link NormalizedMurmurHashEntropyProviderTest}. Provides access to the native
* implementation of NormalizedMurmurHashEntropyProvider which is used as the source of truth for
* the Java implementation.
public class NormalizedMurmurHashEntropyProviderTestUtilsBridge {
public static int murmurHash16(int seed, int data) {
return NormalizedMurmurHashEntropyProviderTestUtilsBridgeJni.get().murmurHash16(seed, data);
public static double getEntropyForTrial(
int randomizationSeed, int entropyValue, int entropyRange) {
return NormalizedMurmurHashEntropyProviderTestUtilsBridgeJni.get()
.getEntropyForTrial(randomizationSeed, entropyValue, entropyRange);
interface Natives {
int murmurHash16(int seed, int data);
double getEntropyForTrial(int randomizationSeed, int entropyValue, int entropyRange);