syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
option java_package = "org.chromium.components.variations";
package variations;
import "study.proto";
import "variations_seed.proto";
// The VariationsSeed is a protobuf response from the server that contains the
// list of studies and a serial number to uniquely identify its contents. The
// serial number allows the client to easily determine if the list of
// experiments has changed from the previous VariationsSeed seen by the client.
// Next tag: 4
message CreateTrialsFromSeedTestCase {
// Possible states of the severity filter.
// See RestrictionPolicy in client_filterable_state.h
enum RestrictionPolicy {
ALL = 2;
optional VariationsSeed seed = 1;
message ClientFilterableState {
optional string locale = 1;
optional double reference_date_seconds_since_epoch = 2;
repeated uint32 version = 3;
repeated uint32 os_version = 4;
optional Study.Channel channel = 5;
optional Study.FormFactor form_factor = 6;
optional Study.CpuArchitecture cpu_architecture = 7;
optional Study.Platform platform = 8;
optional string hardware_class = 9;
optional bool is_low_end_device = 10;
optional string session_consistency_country = 11;
optional string permanent_consistency_country = 12;
optional RestrictionPolicy policy_restriction = 13;
repeated int64 google_groups = 14;
optional ClientFilterableState client_filterable_state = 2;
message EntropyValues {
optional string client_id = 1;
optional uint32 low_entropy = 2;
optional string limited_entropy_randomization_source = 3;
optional EntropyValues entropy = 3;