
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


declare_args() {
  # Set to true make a build that disables activation of field trial tests
  # specified in testing/variations/fieldtrial_testing_config.json.
  # Note: For Chrome-branded Android builds, this is always considered as set to
  # true (see below). This is done to avoid the binary size impact (~40 KiB) on
  # Android.
  disable_fieldtrial_testing_config = false

  # Set to true to make a build that force enables activation of field trial
  # tests specified in testing/variations/fieldtrial_testing_config.json.
  force_enable_fieldtrial_testing_config = false

assert(!(disable_fieldtrial_testing_config &&
       "Cannot enable and disable field trial testing at the same time.")

fieldtrial_testing_enabled =
    force_enable_fieldtrial_testing_config ||
    (!disable_fieldtrial_testing_config && !(is_android && is_chrome_branded))

buildflag_header("buildflags") {
  header = "buildflags.h"
  flags = [ "FIELDTRIAL_TESTING_ENABLED=$fieldtrial_testing_enabled" ]

static_library("service") {
  sources = [

  public_deps = [ "//base" ]
  deps = [

source_set("unit_tests") {
  testonly = true
  sources = [

  deps = [