
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stdint.h>

#include <string_view>
#include <vector>

#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/variations/active_field_trials.h"

namespace variations {

// Specifies when UMA reports should start being annotated with a synthetic
// field trial.
// GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.components.variations
enum class SyntheticTrialAnnotationMode {};

// A Field Trial and its selected group, which represent a particular
// Chrome configuration state. In other words, synthetic trials allow reporting
// some client state as if it were a field trial. For example, the trial name
// could map to a preference name, and the group name could map to a preference
// value.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(VARIATIONS) SyntheticTrialGroup {};

// Interface class to observe changes to synthetic trials in MetricsService.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(VARIATIONS) SyntheticTrialObserver {};

}  // namespace variations