
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "partition_alloc/partition_alloc_base/strings/safe_sprintf.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>

#include "partition_alloc/build_config.h"

#if !defined(NDEBUG)
// In debug builds, we use RAW_CHECK() to print useful error messages, if
// SafeSPrintf() is called with broken arguments.
// As our contract promises that SafeSPrintf() can be called from any
// restricted run-time context, it is not actually safe to call logging
// functions from it; and we only ever do so for debug builds and hope for the
// best. We should _never_ call any logging function other than RAW_CHECK(),
// and we should _never_ include any logging code that is active in production
// builds. Most notably, we should not include these logging functions in
// unofficial release builds, even though those builds would otherwise have
// DCHECKS() enabled.
// In other words; please do not remove the #ifdef around this #include.
// Instead, in production builds we opt for returning a degraded result,
// whenever an error is encountered.
// E.g. The broken function call
//        SafeSPrintf("errno = %d (%x)", errno, strerror(errno))
//      will print something like
//        errno = 13, (%x)
//      instead of
//        errno = 13 (Access denied)
//      In most of the anticipated use cases, that's probably the preferred
//      behavior.
#include "partition_alloc/partition_alloc_base/check.h"

namespace partition_alloc::internal::base::strings {

// The code in this file is extremely careful to be async-signal-safe.
// Most obviously, we avoid calling any code that could dynamically allocate
// memory. Doing so would almost certainly result in bugs and dead-locks.
// We also avoid calling any other STL functions that could have unintended
// side-effects involving memory allocation or access to other shared
// resources.
// But on top of that, we also avoid calling other library functions, as many
// of them have the side-effect of calling getenv() (in order to deal with
// localization) or accessing errno. The latter sounds benign, but there are
// several execution contexts where it isn't even possible to safely read let
// alone write errno.
// The stated design goal of the SafeSPrintf() function is that it can be
// called from any context that can safely call C or C++ code (i.e. anything
// that doesn't require assembly code).
// For a brief overview of some but not all of the issues with async-signal-
// safety, refer to:

namespace {
const size_t kSSizeMaxConst =;

const char kUpCaseHexDigits[] =;
const char kDownCaseHexDigits[] =;
}  // namespace

#if defined(NDEBUG)
// We would like to define kSSizeMax as std::numeric_limits<ssize_t>::max(),
// but C++ doesn't allow us to do that for constants. Instead, we have to
// use careful casting and shifting. We later use a static_assert to
// verify that this worked correctly.
namespace {
const size_t kSSizeMax = kSSizeMaxConst;
#else   // defined(NDEBUG)
// For efficiency, we really need kSSizeMax to be a constant. But for unit
// tests, it should be adjustable. This allows us to verify edge cases without
// having to fill the entire available address space. As a compromise, we make
// kSSizeMax adjustable in debug builds, and then only compile that particular
// part of the unit test in debug builds.
namespace {
static size_t kSSizeMax =;

namespace internal {
void SetSafeSPrintfSSizeMaxForTest(size_t max) {}

size_t GetSafeSPrintfSSizeMaxForTest() {}
}  // namespace internal
#endif  // defined(NDEBUG)

namespace {
class Buffer {};

bool Buffer::IToASCII(bool sign,
                      bool upcase,
                      int64_t i,
                      size_t base,
                      char pad,
                      size_t padding,
                      const char* prefix) {}

}  // anonymous namespace

namespace internal {

ssize_t SafeSNPrintf(char* buf,
                     size_t sz,
                     const char* fmt,
                     const Arg* args,
                     const size_t max_args) {}

}  // namespace internal

ssize_t SafeSNPrintf(char* buf, size_t sz, const char* fmt) {}

}  // namespace partition_alloc::internal::base::strings