
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/child_local_surface_id_allocator.h"

#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/parent_local_surface_id_allocator.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"

// ChildLocalSurfaceIdAllocator has 1 accessor which does not alter state:
// - GetCurrentLocalSurfaceId()
// For every operation which changes state we can test:
// - the operation completed as expected,
// - the accessors did not change, and/or
// - the accessors changed in the way we expected.

namespace viz {
namespace {

::testing::AssertionResult ParentSequenceNumberIsNotSet(
    const LocalSurfaceId& local_surface_id);
::testing::AssertionResult ChildSequenceNumberIsSet(
    const LocalSurfaceId& local_surface_id);
::testing::AssertionResult EmbedTokenIsValid(
    const LocalSurfaceId& local_surface_id);

}  // namespace

class ChildLocalSurfaceIdAllocatorTest : public testing::Test {};

// The default constructor should initialize its last-known LocalSurfaceId (and
// all of its components) to an invalid state.
       DefaultConstructorShouldNotSetLocalSurfaceIdComponents) {}

// UpdateFromParent() on a child allocator should accept the parent's sequence
// number and embed_token. But it should continue to use its own child sequence
// number.
       UpdateFromParentOnlyUpdatesExpectedLocalSurfaceIdComponents) {}

// UpdateFromParent() on a child allocator should accept the parent's
// LocalSurfaceId if only the embed_token changed.
TEST_F(ChildLocalSurfaceIdAllocatorTest, UpdateFromParentEmbedTokenChanged) {}

// GenerateId() on a child allocator should monotonically increment the child
// sequence number.
       GenerateIdOnlyUpdatesExpectedLocalSurfaceIdComponents) {}

TEST_F(ChildLocalSurfaceIdAllocatorTest, EmbedTokenChangeResetsChildId) {}

namespace {

::testing::AssertionResult ParentSequenceNumberIsNotSet(
    const LocalSurfaceId& local_surface_id) {}

::testing::AssertionResult ChildSequenceNumberIsSet(
    const LocalSurfaceId& local_surface_id) {}

::testing::AssertionResult EmbedTokenIsValid(
    const LocalSurfaceId& local_surface_id) {}

}  // namespace
}  // namespace viz