
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/viz/common/switches.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>

#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "components/viz/common/constants.h"

namespace switches {

// The default number of the BeginFrames to wait to activate a surface with
// dependencies.
const char kDeadlineToSynchronizeSurfaces[] =;

// Force the use of a Delegated Ink renderer as specified by
// the command line argument, rather than using system details. Acceptable
// values are: skia, system, none. Default to skia.
const char kDelegatedInkRenderer[] =;

// Disables reporting of frame timing via ADPF, even if supported on the device.
const char kDisableAdpf[] =;

// Disables begin frame limiting in both cc scheduler and display scheduler.
// Also implies --disable-gpu-vsync (see //ui/gl/gl_switches.h).
// TODO(ananta/jonross/sunnyps)
// We should remove or change this once VRR support is implemented for
// Windows and other platforms potentially.
const char kDisableFrameRateLimit[] =;

// Sets the number of max pending frames in the GL buffer queue to 1.
const char kDoubleBufferCompositing[] =;

// Enable compositing individual elements via hardware overlays when
// permitted by device.
// Setting the flag to "single-fullscreen" will try to promote a single
// fullscreen overlay and use it as main framebuffer where possible.
const char kEnableHardwareOverlays[] =;

// Effectively disables pipelining of compositor frame production stages by
// waiting for each stage to finish before completing a frame.
const char kRunAllCompositorStagesBeforeDraw[] =;

// Adds a DebugBorderDrawQuad to the top of the root RenderPass showing the
// damage rect after surface aggregation. Note that when enabled this feature
// sets the entire output rect as damaged after adding the quad to highlight the
// real damage rect, which could hide damage rect problems.
const char kShowAggregatedDamage[] =;

// Modulates the debug compositor tint color so that damage and page flip
// updates are made clearly visible. This feature was useful in determining the
// root cause of . The tinting flag
// "tint-composited-content" must also be enabled for this flag to used.
const char kTintCompositedContentModulate[] =;

// Show debug borders for DC layers - red for overlays and blue for underlays.
// The debug borders are offset from the layer rect by a few pixels for clarity.
const char kShowDCLayerDebugBorders[] =;

std::optional<uint32_t> GetDeadlineToSynchronizeSurfaces() {}

std::optional<DelegatedInkRendererMode> GetDelegatedInkRendererMode() {}

}  // namespace switches