// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/check_is_test.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/aggregated_render_pass.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/dc_layer_overlay.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/output_surface.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/overlay_candidate.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/overlay_processor_delegated_support.h"
#include "components/viz/service/display/overlay_processor_interface.h"
#include "components/viz/service/viz_service_export.h"
#include "gpu/ipc/common/surface_handle.h"
namespace viz {
class DisplayResourceProvider;
struct DebugRendererSettings;
class OverlayCandidateFactory;
class VIZ_SERVICE_EXPORT OverlayProcessorWin
: public OverlayProcessorInterface {
OutputSurface::DCSupportLevel dc_support_level,
const DebugRendererSettings* debug_settings,
std::unique_ptr<DCLayerOverlayProcessor> dc_layer_overlay_processor);
OverlayProcessorWin(const OverlayProcessorWin&) = delete;
OverlayProcessorWin& operator=(const OverlayProcessorWin&) = delete;
~OverlayProcessorWin() override;
bool IsOverlaySupported() const override;
gfx::Rect GetPreviousFrameOverlaysBoundingRect() const override;
gfx::Rect GetAndResetOverlayDamage() override;
// Returns true if the platform supports hw overlays and surface occluding
// damage rect needs to be computed since it will be used by overlay
// processor.
bool NeedsSurfaceDamageRectList() const override;
// Sets |is_page_fullscreen_mode_|.
void SetIsPageFullscreen(bool enabled) override;
void AdjustOutputSurfaceOverlay(
std::optional<OutputSurfaceOverlayPlane>* output_surface_plane) override;
// Attempt to replace quads from the specified root render pass with overlays
// or CALayers. This must be called every frame.
void ProcessForOverlays(
DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
AggregatedRenderPassList* render_passes,
const SkM44& output_color_matrix,
const FilterOperationsMap& render_pass_filters,
const FilterOperationsMap& render_pass_backdrop_filters,
SurfaceDamageRectList surface_damage_rect_list_in_root_space,
OutputSurfaceOverlayPlane* output_surface_plane,
OverlayCandidateList* overlay_candidates,
gfx::Rect* root_damage_rect,
std::vector<gfx::Rect>* content_bounds) override;
void SetFrameHasDelegatedInk() override;
bool frame_has_delegated_ink_for_testing() const {
return frame_has_delegated_ink_;
// Sets whether or not |render_pass_id| will be marked for a DComp surface
// backing. If |value| is true, this also resets the frame count since
// enabling DC layers.
void SetUsingDCLayersForTesting(AggregatedRenderPassId render_pass_id,
bool value);
static gfx::Rect InsertSurfaceContentOverlaysAndSetPlaneZOrderForTesting(
OverlayCandidateList& candidates);
// For testing.
DCLayerOverlayProcessor* GetOverlayProcessor() {
return dc_layer_overlay_processor_.get();
void InsertDebugBorderDrawQuadsForOverlayCandidates(
const OverlayCandidateList& dc_layer_overlays,
AggregatedRenderPass* render_pass,
gfx::Rect& damage_rect);
// Promote a subset of quads from the root render pass using
// |DCLayerOverlayProcessor| while still intending to schedule the primary
// plane as its own overlay. This is the fallback for delegated compositing
// that still allows quads to be promoted e.g. for protected content or for
// performance reasons.
void ProcessOverlaysFromOutputSurfacePlane(
DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
AggregatedRenderPassList* render_passes,
const SkM44& output_color_matrix,
const OverlayProcessorInterface::FilterOperationsMap& render_pass_filters,
const OverlayProcessorInterface::FilterOperationsMap&
const SurfaceDamageRectList& surface_damage_rect_list_in_root_space,
OutputSurfaceOverlayPlane* output_surface_plane,
CandidateList* candidates,
gfx::Rect* root_damage_rect);
// Try to promote all quads from the root render pass to overlay.
// In partially delegated compositing, RPDQs that represent surfaces will have
// quads promoted from their render passes using |DCLayerOverlayProcessor|.
DelegationStatus ProcessOverlaysForDelegation(
DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider,
AggregatedRenderPassList* render_passes,
const SkM44& output_color_matrix,
const OverlayProcessorInterface::FilterOperationsMap& render_pass_filters,
const OverlayProcessorInterface::FilterOperationsMap&
const SurfaceDamageRectList& surface_damage_rect_list_in_root_space,
CandidateList* candidates,
gfx::Rect* root_damage_rect);
// This struct holds information about the RPDQ overlays promoted during
// delegated compositing. It references objects in the current frame and is
// only valid while the render pass list's pointers are valid.
// TODO(crbug.com/324460866): Used for partially delegated compositing.
struct PromotedRenderPassesInfo {
PromotedRenderPassesInfo& operator=(PromotedRenderPassesInfo&&);
// List of render passes that were embedded by a promoted RPDQ overlay.
base::flat_set<raw_ref<AggregatedRenderPass>> promoted_render_passes;
// List of RPDQs that were promoted to overlay.
std::vector<raw_ref<const AggregatedRenderPassDrawQuad>> promoted_rpdqs;
// Result of attempting delegated compositing.
struct DelegatedCompositingResult {
DelegatedCompositingResult& operator=(DelegatedCompositingResult&&);
OverlayCandidateList candidates;
PromotedRenderPassesInfo promoted_render_passes_info;
// Attempt to promote all the quads in |root_render_pass|. Promoted quads will
// be placed in |out_candidates| in front-to-back order. Returns true if all
// quads were successfully promoted.
base::expected<DelegatedCompositingResult, DelegationStatus>
bool is_full_delegated_compositing,
const AggregatedRenderPassList& render_passes,
const OverlayCandidateFactory& factory,
const OverlayProcessorInterface::FilterOperationsMap&
const DisplayResourceProvider* resource_provider) const;
// Modifies the properties of |promoted_render_passes| for passes that are
// referenced by RPDQ overlays. This gives |SkiaRenderer| enough information
// to decide whether or not a RPDQ overlay can skip the copy in
// |PrepareRenderPassOverlay| and, if so, whether to allocate a swap chain or
// DComp surface backing. Returns the set of surfaces we should use
// |DCLayerOverlayProcessor| to promote overlays from.
// TODO(crbug.com/324460866): Used for partially delegated compositing.
static DCLayerOverlayProcessor::RenderPassOverlayDataMap
bool is_full_delegated_compositing,
const AggregatedRenderPassList& render_passes,
const PromotedRenderPassesInfo& promoted_render_passes_info);
// Insert overlay candidates from |surface_content_render_passes| into
// |candidates|, assigning correct plane z-order in the process. |candidates|
// is assumed to be in front-to-back. The resulting candidates list is not
// sorted. Returns the union rect of overlays in
// |surface_content_render_passes|.
// TODO(crbug.com/324460866): Used for partially delegated compositing.
static gfx::Rect InsertSurfaceContentOverlaysAndSetPlaneZOrder(
OverlayCandidateList& candidates);
const OutputSurface::DCSupportLevel dc_support_level_;
// Reference to the global viz singleton.
const raw_ptr<const DebugRendererSettings> debug_settings_;
// Number of frames since the last time direct composition layers were used
// for each render pass we promote overlays from in the frame. Presence in
// this map indicates that the render pass is using a DComp surface.
base::flat_map<AggregatedRenderPassId, int> frames_since_using_dc_layers_map_;
// TODO(weiliangc): Eventually fold DCLayerOverlayProcessor into this class.
std::unique_ptr<DCLayerOverlayProcessor> dc_layer_overlay_processor_;
bool is_page_fullscreen_mode_ = false;
bool delegation_succeeded_last_frame_ = false;
// If true, causes the use of DComp surfaces as the backing image of a render
// pass, given that UseDCompSurfacesForDelegatedInk is also enabled.
bool frame_has_delegated_ink_ = false;
// Returned and reset by |GetAndResetOverlayDamage| to fully damage the root
// render pass when we drop out of delegated compositing. This is essentially
// a binary of "full damage needed" or "no full damage needed" for the primary
// plane.
gfx::Rect overlay_damage_rect_;
// The union of the current frame's overlays that were promoted from surface
// content passes to be read on the subsequent frame. This is used to
// correctly damage surface content backings if we had previously removed
// damage due to overlay occlusion.
gfx::Rect previous_frame_overlay_rect_;
} // namespace viz